Blood Training

At this, Hurricane's eyes widened even further.

"You... could tell?"

"The fact that you are able to use the Stormbringer Angelica so masterfully after a mere few days, able even though you were completely useless before, signals that something is wrong. It doesn't take a genius to make that observation."

"Tch..." Hurricane gritted his teeth a bit at being called useless, but he had to hold in his anger right now. His life came first. Even for an arrogant person like him, he valued his life more than his insatiable ego. "The method… it's called Blood Training."

'Hm… makes sense, considering Heartbeat wields the Bloodcaller Angelica.'

"Tell me more," Finn ordered.

"I don't know the details either… but all I know is that Heartbeat did something to my blood. It trades lifeforce for more power…"

"And you took the trade?" Finn scoffed. "How idiotic."