The Emperor's World

"This isn't good..." Acaya muttered, an uncomfortable and slightly nervous expression on his face.

"Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious!" Obo retorted, gritting his teeth. "If anyone's got any ideas, spit them out now!"

"Heheheh... this is FUN!" The Lunatic squealed, licking its lips that were forever carved into a Glasgow smile. "Come on, Ghost "Hunters", SHOW ME YOUR STRENGTH!"

Saying this, he tore through a stone pillar with one of his tentacles with incredible ease, then launched it towards the Ghost Hunters with enough velocity to destroy solid metal.

"Tch- Twin Dragons!" Tian Long yelled, clasping his palms together and shooting out two dragons made of raw fire. Since he had already activated his Angelica earlier, there was no need for a chant.