Second Emperor

'Oh crap…' Iris thought, wondering what to do here. Given how sharp Evelyn's gaze was, there's no way she could help Finn by whispering in his ear. How was he going to-


Finn answered without any hesitation, any delay. Iris blinked in surprise, and evidently, Evelyn was shocked as well. She gulped, then changed the number of fingers she held up.

"Ahem… what about now?"


"…!" Evelyn clearly was still in disbelief, and hurriedly changed it once more.

"How about now?"


"Tch… now?"


She gritted her teeth. She had been so certain these two were the fugitives Ace and Ivy in disguise, and yet… how was a blind person reading her fingers like a book?! The other one wasn't communicating with him, that much was certain. According to the knowledge she had, Ivy also had the Oculus Angelica, which didn't provide any telepathy skills. So… how?!