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- The Next Day -

Finn woke up early the following morning. However, despite being up early, he found it strangely difficult to get out of bed until at least an hour later.

This was because a certain someone had latched onto his arm very tightly, like a koala clinging to a tree. This someone was, without a doubt, Iris. She didn't seem to have done this on purpose, and instead most likely did it subconsciously while dreaming about something. Finn decided to not question said dreams.

He didn't want to forcibly wake Iris up either, since if she needed rest, it was best to give her rest. They were heading into the Dungeon today, so Finn needed her at her best. Anything less than that would only be a drag-down.

As a result, he ended up laying in bed for a whole hour doing absolutely nothing except feeling the rise and fall of Iris's ample chest.