Weapon Shop

In front of a stone shop that looked like a smithy, a crowd had gathered, watching the show unfold before them.

"Hahaha! My craftsmanship is truly the world's greatest!" A mid-age man declared proudly, standing beside what seemed like a massive rectangular shield. Before it knelt a defeated, younger man, just barely supporting himself upright with his greatsword.

"Hah… how… this is… impossible…" The younger man panted, glaring at the craftsman's shield. "After my ultimate attack… not even a dent?!"

"Hahaha! Don't be dejected, young warrior! It is not you who is too weak, but my shield that is too strong!" The craftsman said with a bold laugh, spreading his arms as if showing his creation off to everyone present. "As you can all see, honored signores and madams, my craftsmanship is unparalleled. And only today, you can get any of the items sold here at 75% of their original price! Limited stock, people, so don't hesitate!"