Evelyn's Crisis

"A dilemma…?" Iris tilted her head. "How so?"

Evelyn pinched her nose bridge and took a deep breath.

"You see… recently, a certain someone has been trying to shut my business down. There are very few people in this world who have the power and influence to do that, but he is one of them. And as for his goal, well… this might come off as arrogant, but put bluntly, he is after my body."

"That isn't arrogant at all, considering your actual looks…" Iris murmured.

"Fuhaha," Evelyn laughed, leaning back in her throne a bit. "You have a sweet tongue, little girl. If only your boyfriend had the same… I would be charmed."

"This… person you speak of," Finn began, folding his arms. "Does he wear a diamond pig mask?"

Evelyn blinked. "Oh…? You've met him?"

"… Somewhat. We encountered him downstairs, just before coming up through the elevators."