The Sealed Demon

"Go on, take the case off," the old man urged, beckoning Finn to remove the glass case that caged the ominous executioner sword. Part of Finn wanted to say no, but the majority of his brain was telling him to do it. Whether that was simply his own instincts or his Voidheart armor speaking to him—or perhaps even the sword attempting to manipulate him—he didn't know.

No matter which it was, Finn has already made up his mind. Taking a deep breath, he set both his hands on the edges of the glass case holding the sword, and slowly lifted it up.


The moment he did, a powerful shockwave of energy shot out from within the sword, escaping its prison and nearly blowing Finn and the old man away. Evelyn was at the door, so she was relatively unaffected, but she too covered her eyes to shield herself from the wind.

"Hah…!" Finn forcefully set the glass case back in place with all his strength, then backed up a few steps. "What… was that?"