Entrance Exams

With a snap of Lionel's fingers, countless guards suddenly entered the scene, each holding a table in their hands. They pushed past the Ghost Hunters and laid the tables down on the ground, in a neat and organized fashion. Then, they placed a package of paper down on each table, along with writing utensils. It was clear what the first portion of this entrance exam was, and the young Hunters each took a spot behind a table accordingly.

Finn and Iris ended up next to each other, of course, but there was just one problem—namely, Finn's blindness.

"Um, Finn…" Iris began, but Finn acted quicker, raising his hand high up into the air. As a university student before all of this happened, he was used to asking questions in class and whatnot.

"… Yes, you in the black armor there?" Lionel asked, eyeing Finn, who had his entire Voidheart armor on with the exception of his helmet.