The End of a Great Story

Reve quickly signed the document and conversed lightly with the group.

They asked with a few questions like what rank of magic had he reached, what school of magic did he follow. They also asked him about his magic style, his skill repertoire, and his age.

Most of the questions weren't sensitive so Reve answered them passionately. He found out that Myniene and Tors were mages just like him. Myninene followed the school of elementalism, while, Tor adhered to the school of enchantment and ancient magic.

Yes, ancient magic!

Tor was a student of this old magic school!

Part of Reve wanted to pester him with a lot of questions about ancient magic, but he was polite enough to restrain himself. Circe always told him to compose himself when in public and he was sure it was because of his outward character that the council decided on him.

After all, they wouldn't allow a troublemaker to join their program. It would be simply dumb to do that.