Chapter 10: Mightiness of Silence

Nagisa led Suzuki through a dangerous dungeon run, expecting nothing in return, not even her sword, but she wanted him to play another round with her. But unfortunately, life is a busy cycle, and Suzuki managed to promise her to come back later.

"How about we play after I finish everything?" He wanted to reassure himself and Nagisa with a shy smile over his microphone.

"Promise me?" She spoke like a spoiled brat.

"Yeah, yeah." Replied Suzuki as he slowly hovered his cursor over the log-out icon. "Thank you." He quickly shouted into the microphone before pressing the button.

"Anyway," he said as he sat back in his gaming chair. "What now?" He got up and headed towards the bedroom.

"I guess I need to get on with my miserable day." He closed the door behind himself to dress for the prolonged interactions awaiting him.

Well, not really. Suzuki would barely answer questions, even in class. Not because he was confident in himself, but because he lacked it. Instead, he maintains a calm and quiet look throughout the day. So mysterious to others, he stands as the "quiet kid that nobody wants to anger." Well, for more reasons than one.

In his first month of college, he was bullied and harassed by schoolmates, ordinary bullies who sought his money and his emotions. Kicked and slammed around, he would usually accept his beating and walk away, unheard of till the next day.

These actions continued for a month until one day. Finally, the bullies pushed Suzuki to his limits. He burst and beat all the six guys and scared away the two harassing girls that would usually inappositely touch him, even when asked not to.

The moment his anger grew and he opened his mouth to speak, he silenced the hall. He silenced the world.

For instance, he remembered one experience as he placed on his shirt. "Why such actions against someone who cannot stand for themselves." He touched the first guy's shoulder. The other five guys kept picking and harassing a college girl in a wheelchair.

One even went as far as slapping her across the face, finally bursting the calm and patient Suzuki into a deep state of retaliation. His anger spewed out from every pore in his body, sending shockwaves, deep emotions that were unspoken, heard by everyone.

Finally, He spoke, and the words that came out of his core to this day have haunted the college students. "I'll butcher you all."

"Uhh, so embarrassing." He thought back about while now walking to school, planting his head into the hoodie.

After a long day of school work, he laid back in the StarCafe chair, comfortable and looking forward to playing with the mysterious girl. Then, he remembered to check his work schedule. Surprisingly, he had work, and it was in about half an hour.

"Oh shit!" He screamed inside of his head as his heart dropped. "I'm going to be late for work!" He picked up the cup of coffee and started running toward his apartment.

Making it home on time, he opened his front door and screamed into the empty rooms. "I'm home."

Dressing quickly, he fell, planting his face into the ground while trying to put on the pants. "Ahhh!" He roared in anger.

"Whatever." He spouted as he picked up the cup of coffee and started running out of his apartment; Suzuki locked his door as quickly as he could.

"Damn it, first tardy?" He questioned himself as he took a sip of the coffee, running down the road.

At work, his face changed. Happy and approachable, his sales never dropped.

He maintained the same customers and the usual old ladies who always came in for a cup of coffee.

Staring at him, one lady spoke. "I heard that he was an orphan." Angering her friends, they kept on whispering to her to quit. "Stop. He'll hear us." Suzuki looked at their table with a smile while stacking more fountain cups. They tried not to make eye contact with him. Finally, he ran inside the kitchen area.

At the end of his shift, whatever that was said, it clicked a button within Suzuki. Sad, he titled his head and went straight to clock out as his long day of fake interactions was over.

"Whatever, I'm still me." He said under his breath as he opened the door to head home.

Silence is an option. To keep silent is to maintain peace. However, being confident doesn't mean spouting nonsense to carry a perfect picture of yourself to others. Seldom your image to others is reflected through trials of patience. Only mighty recognizes the mightiest of all.

Silence is power. Silence is key to achieving inner peace. Think before you act.