Chapter 12: A Day Of What?

"Y-yes, I'm sorry. I will make sure this never happens again." He nervously said over the phone.

"It's okay, Mr. Nara. It happens to all." Said a soothing voice over the phone.

"T-thank you so much for your hard work." He expressed his appreciation as he quickly moved his thump to close the call.

"Hm, what a nice kid." Expressed the office lady, removing the phone from her shoulder.

"Nara?" The faculty teacher noticed as she was about to close off his profile. Suzuki's last name grew on her, so she looked through his school records that she had access to. "Nara orphanage. Poor guy, I knew that I heard of that name surname somewhere." She had sympathy in her voice.

Suzuki headed toward StarCafe, tripped, and fell over a crack in the sidewalk. "Ah, what was that?" He quickly dusted the dirt from his clothes. "Hmm, whatever." He told himself as he looked up and found two people looking at him.

Embarrassed, he ignored their words and walked away. "Hmm." He hummed with a muffled tone.

He moved his hand and felt his side bag, "my laptop?" He said to himself nervously. "Please don't be broken. Please don't be broken." He prayed for his computer.

"Oh shit!" He screamed inside of his head. At the same time, he stood holding his broken laptop. "No." He uttered out to himself. "It has to happen?" He questioned the universe. "Oh hell!" He was angry.


"Welcome in!" A happy voice greeted Suzuki inside a computer shop. "Oh, Suzuki-San." Said a smiling girl that was about the same age as him.

"Long time no see." She said as she placed her elbow on the desk and leaned over, her chest resting against the desk. Her short black hair brushed past her ear. Those blue eyes that Suzuki admired looked at him with acceptance. "What's up?" She asked him in excitement.

"O-oh hi, Kana-San. My computer s-screen's broken." He said as he gulped his saliva down.

"Eh, again?" She said as she placed her hands on the desk and lifted herself off.

"Hmm," he said with noticeable tears in his eyes.

"It's okay." She said as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm not mad at you, Suzuki-San. I'm sorry." She apologized as she kept patting his shoulder.

"Hmm." He understood her motives. He handed it over to her.

"Okay, well. Give me about an hour to an hour and a half." She said as she accepted it from his hands.

"Hmm, thank you." Said Suzuki with an attractive smile.

Storming out of the shop, he exhaled and said. "What a hassle it is to talk to such beauty." Aroused by mysterious feelings, he held his forehead with his hand and said, "let's get a coffee for now."

Along the way, he felt embarrassed and downed by his lack of confidence. "I bet she thinks I'm sensitive." He placed his hands into his pockets, gloomy.

"Oh well. I wonder if Nagisa-San is on." He said, changing the subject as he walked past a girl in a wheelchair.

"Oh!" The girl in the wheelchair looked back at Suzuki. However, he could not hear her and kept walking towards StarCafe.

"Maybe next time." She jerked her wheels forward.

"Coffee, home, maybe work, study, code, and now gaming with her?" He said to himself before his turn in the line. "How am I ever going to have enough time?" He was happy even though he questioned himself. Finally, his ears picked up on the cashier talking.

"Next, please."

Over in the creamer section, as usual. Suzuki kept telling himself he would achieve ordering what he desired. "Next time, I will order what I want."

Finally, with a frowned face, he asked. "Or will I?" Depressed, he walked over to his usual lonely spot and took a seat.

On his phone, he did the usual and checked the stock market app. "Mhm, it's gone up?" He analyzed the graphs as he took a sip of coffee. "I need to wait till it drops, then I should buy." He smirked intelligently. "Or at least that's what Professor Annoying told me."

After a while, rechecked the directions on his phone for the computer shop, looking for a nearby convenience store. "A fifteen-minute walk," he decided to grab a treat from a store along his route. "This store would do." He walked out of StarCafe with his coffee still hot and full.