Chapter 2 : Paris

Hidden Forest outside Orleans France. The Hidden Wolf Village inside the forest of Orleans protected by runes to block the scent of wolves and if anyone passess through the barrier passess the outside of the forest. Looking inside the rune barrier Children are running happily, adults are doing business trading and working, Carravans arriving through the barrier with special talismans. The old houses who used to be wood are now stone blocks, everyone within the barrier lived happily with their lives in a Century.

"she's taking a while" Gabriel grumbles sitting at a carriage. Beside him was a black hair male with long hair "you know how girls these days, brother" he said.

"I don't know, Robert. She's just like me when I was on her age" Gabriel told his brother-in-law "I used to sneak out to the woods and explore a lot, and that's how I met your sister in the first place."

"yeah, now that you remind me about her, where is she?" Robert asked looking both side ways.

"oh, she isn't here yet?" Floriana's voice spoke up she's wearing a blue dress and a hat as she approach the carriage.

"hey sis!" Robert smiled waving at his sister.

"sorry love, Lucia seemed to snuck out again" Gabriel hold his temple "children grow so fast" he's gonna cry. Floriana hold her husband's hand "come on she's 100 years old, not a little girl anymore" she pointed "and she's still living with us, and not a single man has marry her off yet" she giggle joking out. Gabriel then put a fist up "if any man tries to sway her heart away, they'll have to go through me first!" he determined with burning eyes.


The sound of rustling leaves on the side of the road two wolves jump out then morph to human form, it was Lucia and her Grandpa Lucas "I win!" Lucia raise her fist up in excitement. "hehe you just had a headstart kiddo" Lucas pointed. "headstart?! You almost caught up with me!" Lucia exclaimed.


"Owie..!" Lucia cries "what is that for Dad?!" she got angry.

"we've been waiting here for almost an hour now" Gabriel pointed glaring at his daugther with burning eyes death glare.

"Dad you worry too much, I'm a 100 years already not a kid anymore I can handle myself" Lucia said with a gleefull expression.

"Haha! She's grown so much already Gabe!" Robert laugh.

"she's... not... married... YET...!!" Gabriel's eyes turn black with his eyes burning like hell fire.

"oh speaking married, I found this outside your door earlier" Robert showed some envelope presume to be letters "they're all adressed to Lucia, I guess some lovers~" he joke. Gabriel shot up snatch the letters his hands burst into flames burning the letters into ashes "it's up to Lucia... it's up to her who to marry... but they have to go through me first..." he tries to calm himself that he's looking diabolical expression while mumbling the same words. Floriana pat her husband "come on Dear, you have to deliver this to Monsieur Couture and receive the fabrics from Monsieur Cartier at Paris. So you, Lucia and Father should go and be back by tomorrow or 2 days" she then kissed Gabriel's cheek.

Gabriel smiled "alright, but once I get back you better give me more than just a kiss at the cheek" he grinned. Floriana pinch him at the leg, Gabriel hold off his pain from being pinched "alright alright, let's go Dad, Lucia" he called. Lucia and

Lucas hop on the carriage full of dressess and supplies to trade, "take care you three" Floriana wave as the carriage move the reign whiped up the horses as they run slowly to fast. Got pass the barrier put through the forest riding through the road to north towards Paris, on the way there wheels bumping up during the day Lucas would the reign during the night Gabriel would take over since Vampire don't sleep and Lucas and Lucia would howl at the moon. Soon they've reached their destination Paris...

The same time a black carriage arrives step down was the grey haired man then five people came out.

"Wow, Paris..!" The spoiled blonde witch felt at awe with her eyes sparkling like diamonds. The brown haired male stared at girls wearing caps and skirts "wow, there are a lot pretty girls here" he grinned.

The blue haired sighed "I'll just find the library and buy some good books" he started walking. The black male sigh seeing his siblings already had their minds "wait, where's Emily?" he look left and right and found her at a nearby cake shop, his sigh "whatever.. I guess they're all busy on something" his eyes flatten the grey haired man pat his shoulder "come on William go have some fun, you're the hardworking one you need a break" he said.

"if that's what you said, I'll just stroll for a while" William smiled he started walking while waving.

Meanwhile. Lucia's carriage has arrive to their destination the three of them jump down in front of them is a shop called "FlowerBelle's".

"ah, you're finally here Monsieur Gabriel!" a french male spoke up, he has brown white tip hair and around 40's standing in front of the shop.

"Monsieur Couture! Here are the new designer clothes!" Lucia approach opening the door of the shop. Couture open the boxes seeing a lot of beautiful dressess "so dazzling~ Monsieur Gabriel, your village make such dazzling clothes, especially your wife" he compliment.

"my wife always pour his love onto her work" Gabriel said smiling. Lucas smiled hearing Gabriel saying such loving words towards Floriana, he glance seeing Lucia staring at ruby pin..

"Lucia, can you pick up the fabric we order and deliver the supplies to the market, after that you can stroll around Paris if you want?" Lucas ordred. Lucia turn to him "sure Gramps" she respond then ran towards the door "I'll be back you two" she ran outside took the carriage with her.

The same time William is strolling around Paris not having an idea what to do to pass time but still focusing on the mission. He look at file "Dr. Henry Jekyll, wanted for murder of 12 children, 7 women and 6 men" he reads in his thoughts "last sighted was here in Paris" he stops at an alleyway he scan it around "this is his last sighting" he mumbled checking for some leads to his target.

"HEY!" a voice called.

William slowly turn around seeing three men presume to be thugs "is there anything you fellas want?" he asked.

"yes, your money" the thug said surrounding William "you just pass by our alley, now you have to pay the price" they sneered then reach to their pockets seemed to be reaching to their knives.

"look fellas, I don't wanna fight right now" William said smiling normally even at a bad situation.

The thieves took their knives surrounding William encircling him, what they didn't know that William is a Hunter. Expert in combat of human and non-human existence, he was about to raise his fist...


A familiar brown pants came out from the back door carrying fabric roll on her arms as she walk out of the door as it close, her head peak out and it was Lucia seeing three thugs with knives surrounding a single man...

"whats going an here?" Lucia questioned in a very normal tone.

"looky here, what a very pretty lass" the thug approached her. "we were just teaching this guy to "not" pass on someones turf" the other thug said waving his knife, "hey girly, if you want we can go out and pretend nothing ever happened here" they grinned.

Lucia's eyes furrowed "hmph! Like I'll go anywhere with disgusting people like you" she avert her head away. "WHAT?!" the thug point a knife towards her "you'll be coming with us or end up just like this guy here?" they gave two choices.

In William's thoughts "shit, she's gonna get in trouble if I don't do something" he stay poker face deep inside he's worried and angry seeing a girl being harassed.

"tch, so annoying.." Lucia scoffed "looks like I won't have a choice but to teach you guys a lesson" she face the three thugs.

"HAHAHA..!! A girl teach us a lesson...! oh please you'll probably- OOF!!"

A fabric roll jab the thugs stomach Lucia turn her heels around then smack towards left side landing on the pile garbage, a second thug was about to back stab her from behind her senses sharpen everything went slow she drop the fabric roll on the floor turn bending her knees sweeping the thugs feet grabbing by the collar then throw towards the garbage, the third thug about to charge her head on Lucia saw the fabric roll near her feet she use her feet kicking it upward hitting the thugs jaw then grab the fabric then wham the thug towards the pile garbage with the other thugs.

Lucia blow her bangs up holding the fabric roll "the next time you mess up with me you three dug your own grave" she then turn to William standing with a surprised expression "you ok there?" she asked.

William snap out from his thoughts "I'm fine, thank you Mademoiselle" he thanked. Lucia smiled turning her heels around towards the exit "next time you should be careful if you visit Paris" she warned then started walking away carrying the fabric rolls.

"Wait!" William called following the girl carrying the fabric rolls. Lucia put the Fabric roll inside the carriage William stop to see her putting the same fabric roll she use as a weapin inside the carriage. "is there something you need Monsieur?" Lucia asked. "how did you know I was visiting Paris?" William asked catching his breath, "Oh! Your accent gave it away, are you from Rome?" Lucia questioned as she close the carriage door.

"Yes, you're quite correct" William replied acratching the back of his nape "I'm here with my Father and siblings for business" he finish. Lucia's eyes are quite curious "what kind of business?" she asked. "oh, we're looking for a man here. He is quite troublesome to find" he humor but true, Lucia chuckled "well, there are a lot of troublesome people these days, just like the ones at the alley earlier" she pointed.

"ehehe, speaking of that... How did you learn to defend yourself like that?" William asked his eyes curious staring at the black white tip girl. "My Gramps and my Dad taught me, they said I should defend myself if some nuisance tries to mess with me" Lucia answered as she laughs "ehaha, those two are very good teachers."

"yeah, can I ask for your name Mademoiselle?" he asked.

The girl stop for a moment "it's Lucia" she answer. "Lucia, what a pretty name" he said then put his right palm on his chest bowing "I'm William, William Van Helsing. You can call me Liam" he introduce himself.

Lucia smiled "Nice to meet you, Liam" she said then in her thoughts "wait, Van Helsing..?" her taughts went hostile on the outside she's calm.

Flashback 95 years ago inside a cabin at the Hidden Wolf Village.

"Dad?" Young Lucia called. Gabriel turn to his daugther "what is it sweetie?" he asked, Lucia is holding a book about the history of Romania "How did Grandpa died?" she asked showing the page named Raphael Dracula Tepes.

Gabriel's eyes went sad "Grandpa was killed..." he answer. Lucia's eyes became curious "but... you said Grandpa was a kind man! Why would someone kill him?!" she asked her upset figure and was about to cry. "Grandpa was truly a kind man, he protected us, his family. He protects the supernatural creatures, mermaids, ghost, spirits and other creatures" he explained his eyes are smiling telling his daugther then went sad "however..."

Lucia's mouth agape looking at her Father, Gabriel breath out "he was killed..." he said "by a man named Albert Van Helsing" he answer "for Generations, hr seek to annihilate us. So that's why if you meet Van Helsing don't trust or show you're a half-breed Lucia."

"The Van Helsings are dangerous people, "

Present Time.

Lucia is still calm but inside she's in hostile meeting Liam one of the Van Helsing, the family of Hunters. She stay on her composure and just stay calm then turn away "I have to go" she excuse immediatley, all of a sudden Liam grab her wrist "wait!" Lucia's heart is beating rapidly she's going hostile she slowly turn around, what ia going to happen to her...?