Chapter 10 : The Nox

Clemont Ferrand is a University city, seeing a girl figure of noble black clothing and a man wearing a black trench coat looking at the bakery display. Lucia's brows twitches staring at display of sweets...

"Lucia, your brows are twitching" Liam chuckled trying not to laugh. "hmm.. they just look too sweet" Lucia stared, Liam sigh "why not just buy them?" he pointed, "but doing so might blew our money off" Lucia worries then sigh looking away from the window display. Liam took his coin pouch "I'll just treat you to a nearby cafe" he said grabbing Lucia's wrist.

At a nearby cafe near the Cathedral.

Lucia sip some of her latte "Liam, you really like having a latte, don't you?" she said closing her eyes drinking. "latte are special in Italy, the first time I visit there it was so exquisite" Liam smiled drinking he glance at Lucia who has such furrowed brows and seemed not interested while sipping her latte "look I know you're not interested, but I was just saying if you want."

"I'm interested" Lucia answer putting down her cup on the table "I was just thinking on the investigation" she explain "I know its no place to talk about this, but after this we'll tak about it somewhere else..."

After that Lucia and Liam stroll around the city seeing a lot of eyes looking at them, pressuming that people there are seeing foreigners. "anyways, the girl last night died being ripped her heart out..."

"is this some kind of serial killer?" Liam asked, Lucia lightly shake her head "nope, I say this is some kind of dark experiment. Just like Henry Jekyll" she explain "whoever the killer is, sure is good making an escape route" she glance below her seeing a sewerhole "aha! A perfect escape route" she pointed downward towards an alley grabbing Liam's wrist walking towards the pointed direction.

"here we are!" Lucia pointed the sewer hole, Liam glance at the dirty sewerhole "we aren't seriously going in at this time of the day, right?" he said feeling gloomy, "of course not! I have a plan tonight..." Lucia look away seeing a dress shop nearby.

Later that night.

"Lucia why do I have to dress like this?" Liam asked dress as a lady in blue and a bonnet feeling embarassed, "come on you look beautiful" Lucia complimented "also we need a bait to catch the killer" she pointed, Liam's eyes flatten "yeah I know that, but here I thought the dress was for you" he thought.

"come on Lady Liana, you can do this!" Lucia rooted up "if anything bad happens, call out your weapon and I'll jump up and save you" she said vey confidently. "yeah, can I rip the dress to make things easy?" Liam asked "sure, after all its only a cheap dress I bought" Lucia granted then grabbing Liam's face "you should smile, it'll bring you confidence" she said while Liam is staring close as he averted eye contact away from Lucia's red orbs.

After that Liam who is wearing a blue dress and bonnet walk around the night street, the street light is flickering as the sound footsteps echoes on each step. On the shadows of the alley someone is tailing Liam's footsteps his face is still weird because of the feeling wearing a dress "just why did I have to be the distraction?!" he ask himself as he sigh, a presence of a person tailing him at every turn.

A sound of a billowing coat came from behind Liam's back he turn to see a man wearing a brown trench coat "can I help you Monsieur?" Liam ask trying his best with the girl voice in his mind saying "I hope the ground just swallow me whole if anyone learn about this" he cried in his mind.

"sorry Mademoiselle, I believe this belong to you?" the man handed a handkerchief, Liam felt awkward then snaps out "wait a minute, I wasn't carrying a handkerchief" his senses sharpened as he jump back.


Liam's eyes widen seeing a knife his eyes furrow then raise his armas his blood red scythe appear then rip out the dress he's wearing. His eyes felr white and flatten being freed from the dress "finally... I can finally breath properly.." he said in his mind.

"what the bloody hell?!" the trench coat man exclaim "Oof-!" before he knew it he was knock unconscious falling on the street. Liam spun his scythe blowing his bangs up "seems like this guy is too easy" he mumbled then became curious "Lucia?" he called, then became curious that Lucia isn't responding.


Liam turn to around hearing a large crash somewhere far away, he soon followed the commotion.

Few minute earlier.

Lucia kept hopping roof to roof eyeing on Liam's every turn she sigh "seems like it ain't here yet, or maybe..." she mumble passing a few gargoyle display, she look down seeing a man following Liam in his disguise dress. Her eyes furrowed and was about to jump down...


Lucia gasp quickly turn to see the roof gargoyle move a little, everything zoom Lucia's eyes widen as she was thrown off the roof then landed her back against the hard wall creating cracks. Lucia gritted her teeth er flared up into crimson red flames stretching out of the wall.


A loud thud a man standing as it eyes glared at Lucia who is glaring back "so it was you" she glared out her eyes burning like fanning flames "you're not human" she said seeing a winged figure and stones crumbling down from the mysterious man "you're right, I'm not human" the man said as he walk closer "and so are you, but you stench of a hunter from the Holy Order" he finish.

"wait, Hunter?" Lucia repeated then remember Liam is a former executive of the Holy Order, Lucia's eyes are flatten close then snaps out seeng the man charging toward her, Lucia brace for impact.


Everything went blowing as the gust of wind send the barrels flying and breaking, as soon as the dust clear out the man's eyes widen seeing shadow claws floating shielding Lucia from the attack, her eyes glow then push back. "What are you?!" the man questioned "your scent. You have a scent of a vampire, no... a werewolf?" he mention.

Lucia raise the shadow claws stance behind her, she saw the man fully "I see now, you're a Gargoyle" she said, the man's coat billow as it started to pop out and stretch its bat like wings he has grey hair and silver eyes. Lucia disperse her shadow claws "look, I'm not from the Holy Order" she lower her guard "the scent you've caught must been from my acquintance, he's a former knight of the Holy Order."

"how can I trust you?!" the man questioned as his orange eyes glared his wings stretch out. Lucia took a deep breath closing her eyes as clothes started to morph her ears turn into wolf ears and her tail shown she open her eyes then out her palm on the center of her chest "my name is Lucia Gabriel Tepes, I am half vampire and half werewolf" she introduce herself. The man lower his wings "Tepes, descendant of Dracula?!" he mention he then suddenly kneel "forgive my rudeness Lady Lucia" he suddenly apologized.

"huh?" Lucia became surprised that her expression became confuse "there's no need for formalities!" she ordered, the man stood up "pardon, us gargoyles have served Raphael and Gabriel for hundreds of years" he explain then put a hand on his chest "I am Sirius, I am from the Gargoyle Nox clan" he introduce himself.

"wait, Nox?" Lucia repeated then straighten up "the Nox clan, my father told me about that clan" her expression became surprised "the clan that are loyal to Raphael. Raphael Tepes saved the Nox from the hunters, after that they swore an oath of an eternal loyalty."

"that is correct" Sirius nodded then look up "I Sirius is loyal to your family, until Gabriel betrayed Catherine. We've protected our Liege" he explain. Lucia look up "you've protected my Father back then" she approach then bow "I thank you for that."

"so you are Lord Gabriel's child" Sirius look up stare at Lucia's eyes "there is no doubt, the way you speak is just like my liege" his eyes swell in tears "I'm so glad he was able to live a life outside Romania" his tears cascaded.

Lucia patted Sirius's back "forgive me, but..." she pause then deeply sigh "Sirius, I'm on a journey to Rome" she said. "what for Lady Lucia?" Sirius ask very curious, "Gabriel, my father. He was captured by the Holy Order more than a week ago" Lucia explained. Sirius's eyes widen "oh, Lord Gabriel is being held captive?! I shall not tolerate this!" he said outloud "milord always hated priest" he mention.

Lucia turn to laugh a cringe a little "yeah, knowing my Dad he'll be crimging from the latin chants" she said.


Sirius dodges back his wings raise in defense, Lucia turn to see Liam approaches with his scythe on his grip "Lucia, are you alright?!" he worried. Lucia sigh "Sirius, you can lower your wings" she ordered, Sirius's expression exclaim "but Milady, I can smell the scent of a hunter on him!" he pointed, Lucia raise her hand Sirius morph his wings off as he stood straight in silence.

"Lucia, who is this man?" Liam asked very curious, Lucia turn "this man is Sirius, he's from the Nox clan" she introduce the grey hair man. "the Nox clan, Gargoyles?!" Liam repeated "but I thought they're all extinct..."

Sirius approach "We're not, we came into hiding in search of our Lord Gabriel" he stood tall "Lady Lucia, follow me. I'll show you where my kind went into hiding" he started to open a sewer hole as he jump inside.

Inside in the dark sewer, Lucia and Liam follow Sirius through the smelly and dark sewer. The echoing sound of rats squeking and water dripping, soon they reach the end of the sewer line. Sirius raise hand then press the lose brick as it start glowing into a silver moon crest as a path opens, Lucia's eyes adjusted when it did she saw Nox people resting, children running on dirty floors, people lining up for the food pantry and some laying down in rags and some of them are sick people.

Lucia turn to Sirius "how long has it been like this?" she asked, "we got here 20 years ago, right after the Holy Order eradicated the hidden Temple in Athen" Sirius answer then he look down "ever since we lost track of Lord Gabriel a century ago, we've been hiding places to places" he explain then glance at his people then turn to Lucia "Tell me, Lady Lucia. How was he all those years?" he asked.

Lucia pause for a while then smile and her eyes smiling calmly but a bit sadden "he's a great Father, and a very fun Dad" she answer "he even design these clothes I'm qearing. He taught me a lot of things..." she then clench the center of her chest "he told me "if we fall in despair, we spread must our wings and soar high and never give up"" she smile "I learn a lot from him, he is a great father."

Sirius smile "I'm glad Lord Gabriel became a good father" he chuckle, then a couple of Nox folk approach them "Sirius, how was the patrol?" a man ask then notice Lucia and Liam "who are these two?" he questioned. "Atticus, this is William and beside him is Lady Lucia, she is Lord Gabriel's daugther" Sirius introduce, Atticus just stared "she really do have some resemblance, and her scent is a bit complicated."

"Lord Gabriel's lover is Lady Floriana" Sirius mention "Lady Lucia do have a scent of wolf on her" he added, Lucia chuckled "My Mother is Floriana, she would always give Dad a lap pillow every time he wouldn't he's tired" she said, the two men laugh "yep, that is Lady Floriana.. even a century has passed she is still the same" Atticus chuckled then calm down "tell me Lady Lucia, what brings you here in Clemont Ferrand?" he questioned.

Liam step forward "we were heading to Marseille to sail to Rome, but Lucia and I decided to investigate the matters here" he explain, Atticus's eyes became concern "young man, are you a hunter?" he asked, Liam look straight "I was, I'm no longer part of them" he answer, Sirius became concern "how can we be so sure we can trust you?" he questioned, Lucia steps up "Enough! I trust this man, he has been with me for the past days" she defended Liam "Sirius, Atticus I wanted to ask you both for the matters here in Clemont Ferrand and the concern of your people."

Atticus kneel "right! Forgive my rudeness Milady" he apologized, "no need for an apology, for now lets discuss whats important here" she ordered.

Sirius smiled seeing a bit of Gabriel's past self on Lucia the way she talk the way she leads reminds him of his Lord when he was young, he sighs "resemble so much" he smiles.