Chapter 3 - Azure Dragon City

Tian Shen finished reevaluating his situation and had enough basic knowledge from the soul fusion with his current body. He had enough read this kinds story and knew that his soul would likely higher due mixing two soul together. It was certain that the old Tian Shen in the world he was in and him was all the same which meant the old one did not die.

He would feel guilty killing an innocent child but thankfully it wasn't the case and was fortunate that both was the same allowing to resonate with one another then fuse together. Tian Shen looked around seeing few children sleeping and some missing which would likely had gone outside to do chores or play games.

Being an orphan made it difficult to have the opportunity to become a cultivator unless they go to the commoner academy where it is already expensive. Their currency are called Yuan coins use in everyday expenses. The orphanage are only able to survive by the funds given from the City lord and most of the children needed to work hard to gain money.

Tian Shen wondered if he should use his knowledge about modern technology and methods to help them but he was unsure if how the law of this world function and would prove difficult. Nevertheless, he had enough information and could helped revise it. He wasn't an expert on making technology and products but had knows the blueprints.

It was always bothered him why some main protagonist that transmigrate use their past memory to create modern products but understood it would be insignificant in the eyes of cultivators. Nevertheless, it would improve peoples environment and able to give them a better life.

'If I become a cultivator the first thing I need is resources.'

Normally in Tian Shen situation would act different but he was a genius and matured much faster than people his age which the reason he was more collective and calmed. He knew that panicking rather than planning ahead would prove useless.

Tian Shen should had been dead therefore won't waste his second chance from drowning himself in despair. After spending time reading stories about cultivation knew how vital resources when it comes to improving their strength. He went up to find a shoe then proceeded to intently gaze at the endless horizon and buildings absorbing the beauty of the world he was in.

It was truly a sight to be hold where his old world wouldn't be a fair comparison. The air felt refreshing and calming devoid of any pollution created by greenhouse gasses that harms the environment. The clear azure sky and mesmerizing clouds would never appear on earth on how polluted the air and sky were

Tian Shen planned to use his modern knowledge but would not share the information about things that may repeat the mistakes of the people on earth and only focus on using it in helping the natives to live an easier life while gaining profit and speeding up his process of getting stronger. This may also, gain influence among the people giving him a solid foundation to avoid trouble, however, it is still there's a risk of his life and people important to him being threatened unless he grows stronger and remains vigilant.

He remains ignorant of his talent and capabilities is qualified to become a cultivator unless he tried. Tian Shen smiled once more at the beauty then finally stared intently at the door which made a significant step that meant he was finally able to live freely and never confine in one room.

Tian Shen took a deep breath and opened the sliding door as swinging doors was not a trend within the old his in. It was an old fashion of typical Chinese novels time period with the only difference being the cultivation is real and the path to immortality is possible even if it's only a small chance.

"Tian Shen? How are you doing today?"

Upon opening the door, he heard a female voice and look up to see a mature woman who had motherly air around her as she gave warmed gaze upon Tian Shen who felt the warmth within her eyes. It felt connected to her as the person was the one who had raise Tian Shen in the current world he's in. She was the orphanage head, Feng Xue or Sister Feng that the orphan children usually call her.

She had long dark hair and beautiful features enough to make few men court her wearing normal gray commoner clothing. Sister Feng stared at Tian Shen and felt that the young boy was different than usual but unsure what.

"I'm doing fine, Sister Feng. I was just going to head out and explore the city by myself."

"Explore the city? Are you going to find work again? I think it's best you relax and don't overexert yourself. Remember you are still a normal boy and not a cultivator."

Feng Xue exclaimed in concern. Even in this world Tian Shen was hard working and kind boy who had taken jobs to ensure the children in the orphanage were fed every day without worry. He kept doing it despite being young and not the least trained to be a cultivator. Though, he may not be a cultivator still had the will and perseverance to push himself.

Tian Shen only smiled that the woman was worried about him made him recall if his mother would be crying after his death. He knew seeing her in that state would cause unbearable pain and only prayed she was happily while embracing his younger sibling.

'If this world is truly like those cultivation stories I read then the possibility of me returning is there.'

Those at the apex of cultivation are able to bend reality and be the sovereign of an entire universe where even mention their name would cause the world to shake. Tian Shen thought the possibility of seeing his family was slimmed nearly impossible but it did not shake him the least. Now that his goal is set nothing would be able to stop him whatever that may be.

Feng Xue saw him smiled flinch wondering the meaning behind the smile that contains both sadness and determination. A unique mixture of emotion that Tian Shen showed confuses her even more and grew concerned.

"Tian Shen did something bothering you?"

"What do you mean, Sister Feng?"

"Well you're oddly different but I'm unsure exactly."

"I-It's probably nothing."

Tian Shen realizes that he was acting suspicious in front of Feng Xue and was able to notice his slight change but remained calm. He only vaguely answered that stopped her from asking more questions. Tian Shen can't exactly tell her the truth as he only transmigrated for only a few minutes and hadn't wrapped his head around everything, despite seemingly calm.

"Anyway, Sister Feng, I was only planning to explore the city to relax since I've been making you worried about me too much."

Feng Xue was a bit surprised that how he was acting But it was a great change considering he was still a young boy who needed to enjoy his life as a child. Tian Shen normally tries to work and always replied when asked about taking a break that he doesn't want the children to starve.

"Oh that's great to hear, then have fun but make to return before sundown alright?"

Tian Shen nodded in response, quickly went his way to explored the city while Feng Xue stared at his back that causes her to be baffled seen an illusion of a susupreme expert who seems to be capable of doing the impossible. She instantly rubbed her eyes to see if it was real and calm down when the image was nowhere to be seen.

'Was I seeing things? Maybe I should be the one resting….'

Feng Xue dismissed the vision she saw and went inside the orphanage while Tian Shen walked down the streets of Azure Dragon City. He was extremely excited seeing countless foreign objects only seen from works of fiction. The streets were full of people wearing Chinese robes with a wide array of colors and eccentric designs.

Even a normal mortal commoner would be able to feel the power of many people walking down the streets. He was able to see a talisman that contains profound meaning radiating power while sliders whose aroma tempted Tian Shen. However, these products are only bought by individuals from noble or have richest that able to buy this product.

Tian Shen only dreamt of being in this kind of place and never expected to become a reality. He would have been already blessed to be able to walk and be a normal youth that was stolen from him in his previous world but Tian Shen also given the opportunity to soar the heavens and grasp the boundless stars that was the only companion in his previous life.

"Oh if it isn't Tian Shen? Are you here to find work again??"

He turned to see a middle-aged man who wore a more noble and extravagant than the people around them. The middle age man was Xing Yin, A branch leader of merchant guild that was responsible for the production and object being sold in the market. He was a well-liked man that remains being branch leader to helped the people in the commoner area and consider Tian Shen as his own son. He once employed the young boy that kept working for him with utmost diligence that never complains even once.

Even then Tian Shen was well known in the streets of commoners for working and helping them when in need. It meant that his well-liked in the eyes of commoners and rarely find trouble unless their nobles. Whatever world that may be there is always a line between the rich and the poor.

The people saw Senior Yin quickly gave their greetings while looking at the young boy who they knew quite well. They didn't disturbed the two seeing as Senior Yin was talking to Tian Shen.

"No, Senior Yin, I decided to take a break since sister Feng told me to. It's troublesome to always get scolded by her hehehe."

"Hahaha, I see no need to tell me. If sister Feng didn't scold you then perhaps I would be the one doing it. You are still young and many paths open theirs no need to bound yourself in helping others. Sometimes it is selfless to be selfish."

"This junior understands."

Senior Yin grinned, pleased that the boy decided to act more like a child. He viewed Tian Shen as his own child that he once tried to adopt but refuse, telling Senior yin that the children in the orphanage would be sad. Senior Yin only accept the young boy decision and feel remorse how the boy restraint himself from enjoying being selfish for once. In their world where the strong means right and influences beats justices is rare to see the kind heated young man.

"Well, I'm off to roam around, Senior Yin."

"Enjoy yourself, young man. Oh here maybe this will be more useful to you than me."