Chapter 19 - Skills

In the Roaring Wind town far into the mountain valleys into the direction of the main capital of the Azure Dragon City. The Five institutes had been built into each of the known mountain range near the town. This institution was part of a branch of the five main academies in the main capital where the geniuses of these institutions are nothing more than barely passable.

People in the Roaring Wind City remain ignorant at how powerful their disciples are after graduating but rumors they can reach the [Warrior] stage at the age of under eighteen due to their high-quality cultivation methods and elixirs. Regardless, the institution remains glorious and prestigious among the people.

Within one of the rows of pavilions and buildings in the mountains that gave out mystical scenery only seen in works of art. The shimmering trees and tall mountains were a sight to be held for mortal gaze. Among the building was a youth whose face contorted in anguish and frustration as he clenches his fist while looking intently into the sky.

"Damn that mortal!! He dared make a mockery of me in front of countless people!!!"

The person was Sun Yan was the person who had insulted Tian Shen had been punished by deducting his contributions point to their institution. In the institution, students can do work acting like mercenaries in exchange for contribution points that can be used to gain cultivation skills.

Though, it may have been a meager thing as his contributions point was numerous, However, His pride had taken a hard blow where he can't stop thinking of the person who humiliated him. He had been the topic in their institutions for days to come and won't let go of the matter.

"So what do you need from us? Are you going pay to kill this mortal?"

He turned behind him seeing three individuals whose strengths were only [Martial bone] yet he believes it was enough to discreetly kill a measly mortal. Sun Yan was willing to exchange his distribution points for them to do dirty work.

"Yes, I want you to kill him until nothing is left of his body!! I'm willing to exchange half of my contributions for that mortal life! He dared sully my name then swift death is a mercy. I wanted to kill him myself but I can't leave this place for the time being."

He exclaimed in resentment constantly cursing Tian when while the three individuals perk from hearing the prize for killing a mortal. Greed overtook their minds knowing by gaining a large sum of contribution points would help them gain cultivation methods from their library and medicinal herbs that could help temper their body.

Higher quality martial art skills are far from their reach due to only being [Martial Bone] and hadn't been able to have their breakthrough which won't let them do better missions.

They are confident in killing a mortal as even if their strength is meager compare to other cultivators remain stronger than a mortal even more so a young boy. It was easy that would prove fatal for their carelessness unaware their pray was the true predator. Sun Yan saw their greedy eyes smirked that the one who humiliated him had his life numbered.

"However, you must make it seem he was killed by a wild beast to avoid people thinking it was nothing more than an unlucky incident."

Though, he was arrogant and prideful still had a sense of himself, knowing that the prime suspect of killing Tian Shen would be him. Sun Yan had remained quiet for a few days letting the institute stop spying on him.

The three individuals nodded knowing they would be severely punished if they were found out about their brutal task yet willing to risk it for the contribution points. They were willing to be ruthless in exchange for more power and recognition. It was the fate of the world, the Survival of the fittest where only the strong survive and the weak die.

"Alright, Make sure to give us the deposit before we depart."

Sun Yan remains indifferent giving taking out his badge at the same as the three individuals letting their badge touch then it glowed that indicates the exchange. Afterward, the three individuals nodded in pleasure then took their leave while the arrogant young boy maniacally smiled.

"Mortal your fate is sealed where your corpse will belong to the earth while I rise to the heavens!"

His ambition was to rise to heaven while the person he wishes to kill will trample heaven and soar higher than anything. Sun Yan was unaware it was his life that was numbered.


Deep in the forest where a small pond that one could see through the water at how pure and clear it was. Within the pond was a young boy submerge into the water being bare naked showing his developing body and good-looking face with long messy white hair.

His breath followed a rhythmical pattern that was a mesmerizing sight and the grass accompanied his zenith state of tranquility. It was none other than Tian Shen, who was training for few days after going to senior Yin continuing to temper his body with the [Innate Star energy].

Though, the [Qi condensation] is where one would naturally flow their energy throughout their body and create their core was still able to store [Qi essence] into their body. A [Body tempering] was the stage where they let their body adapt to the [Qi essence].

Regardless, the amount is merger and unstable that could harm their body without using a weapon that could withstand the energy.

Tian Shen circulated the [innate star energy] into his bones that cause him unbearable pain yet held firm. It was a sensation he wanted knowing it was progressing and had his prowess reach an even higher stage comparable to [Martial Flesh] while able to escape the gasped of [Qi condensation] experts.

The surrounding [Qi essences] devoured by his body like air causing a particle to surround his body before every single one went into his body. Few minutes passed by, Tian Shen felt refreshed as his body was drench in impurities and open his eyes that glint with golden light while exhaling pumped of colorful dust.

He saw the impurities vanish into the pond before standing up and strengthen his body after cultivating for hours. Tian Shen dress himself then proceeded to train his footwork that had improved enough that the dust had lessened and can instantly take ten steps in the blink of an eye.

His foundation in footwork had become more refined than people wouldn't he had only begun few weeks prior. Tian Shen not only trains his footwork but every martial art from the earth giving exponential fighting capabilities.

Though, it was more physical attack than martial art skills that use [Qi essence] was still prove fatal to inexperienced fighters.

He gripped his weapon tightly improving his skills in wielding [Thorn of heaven] and though it could act separately would only be able to show its true prowess when wielded. Tian Shen uses the exercise from the [Zenith Celestial star] while wielding the weapon trying to see if he would discover his fighting style.

Tian Shen likes to create his martial art technique using the foundation of other martial art techniques adding them into his original martial art. He was unsure how the correct way to make martial art techniques yet tried anyway knowing it would improve his comprehension and foundation.

It would help him use other martial art techniques he'll encounter then applies some of their principal to his own to fit his style.

Tian Shen gradually felt he was doing something incorrectly letting his instinct move and improve his fighting style in sportsmanship. Afterward, he unconsciously let his innate energy flow into the weapon glowing into bright multi-colored light before thrusting his mighty needle spear forward


A loud impact was heard as a small blast of energy shot out of the weapon decimating a portion of the forest that cause one to be dumbstruck at the result.

"Was that martial art skills? I see that's a great start. Let me try doing it again."

Tian Shen had been provided by Celestial Ming with abundant knowledge including martial skills yet there are currently locks deep within his mind due to the power they hold. He was only [Body tempering] and would be impossible to comprehend any of them or even use it.

It left him to create his own which doesn't bother him as it meant having original style provide better knowledge for his martial art skills. He would improve it along the way to other martial art techniques.

Tian Shen focuses his mind trying to gather the [Wi essence] into his needle spear before producing a much smaller attack yet it was enough of progress. He took a breather as his body was exhausted from overusing [Qi essence] and laid into the ground.

'I did it! I made my martial art!! It took days no end finally!'

If another martial art tried to create their martial art then the only prodigy among prodigy would be able to produce their martial art that would take at least five years meanwhile, Tian Shen only did it for a week and was monster than a genius.

He thought hard about what to name his original style of martial art as it would not only would he be using a needle Spear but also close combat as well. Tian Shen wanted a simple name without using then a stupid naming sense of cultivation world.

"Star….Celestial…Oh, how about Cosmic tribunal? I would bring tribulation to my enemy higher than my own. Yeah, that's a nice ring to it."

Tian Shen finishes naming his original martial art which was simple enough to be remembered and not tongue twister like most martial art techniques. He names his first attack as [Heaven piercer] due to how it is a thrusting attack.

Time passes and Tian Shen stood up to resume cultivating as the next day is where he would go to the auction house and meet up with Senior Yin and Ning'er. He was on the verge of breaking through and only need something to click to reach the other stage.

He would have been easily broken through with little problems yet decided to strengthen himself further fixing any flaws his body had. Furthermore, the cultivation he uses wasn't normal and needs more time to cultivate. Regardless, the result would be worth it considering this avoid his body from crumbling for lack of a stable foundation.

Tian Shen finished training then went to return to the orphanage and saw Feng Xue in a daze decided to surprise her. He sneaky gotten closer before scaring her receiving a squeal from her.

"Eek! Huh!? Tian Shen, don't scare me like that!"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry I can't help it since you don't absorb in your thoughts. Is there something wrong?"

"Ah no, it was nothing."

"Well if you need any help just call my name and I'll be there in flash."

"Fufufu then I'll hope you won't back in your words."

Feng Xue smiled at how the boy always seems to comfort her in times of need where an Image overlaps with Tian Shen that causes her to ache yet held her smile before heading inside with him.