First Round— Badge Fight Conclusion

Like an antagonist in every novel out there, Kurogami shifted out of his shadow as if he was walking into the spotlight. He wore a slight grin while slowing down his pace, each step a thud louder than the rest— or so that's what everybody pictured as he loomed like a dark cloud over them.

Oculus was the first one to realize that they were rendered immobile and he tried to get away... but to no avail. After all, he isn't a strength-type superhero so there's nothing he could do about sticky situations such as this. As for Saturn, he almost got away but Kurogami tightened his hold onto his shadow.

"Who are you?!" Oculus shouted in a panic, hiding the Badges he was holding behind his back.

"Give me those," Kurogami said, "You can keep your Badges but give me those,"