Jean Grey's Backstory

Chirp chirp.

It was another day in the city. Sunny weather with a couple of grey clouds in the sky— perfect and fine weather for beast taming. The weather couldn't get any better that day, and for a certain someone, it was his most fateful day— a day where his life would change in an instant and he'll finally be able to reach out his hand for the dreams he had ever since he was young.

Jean Grey's eyes fluttered open as sunlight peered through the windows, invading his room and hitting him directly on the face. He squinted as soon as his eyes opened, and he wiped the morning dust off his eyes as he rolled on his bed. The drool on his pillow had already left its mark, and Jean Grey had to turn the pillow to its good side so he won't have to smell the horrid smell of his saliva first thing in the morning.

"Wake up Jean! You'll be late for the beast choosing!" His mom called out from the first floor of their house.