Seating Arrangement War

When Class 3-1 finally got back after an eventful heroes versus villains exercise in the Concrete Arena, they were met by Lydia who was waiting alone in the class. She didn't mention anything about joining the other class since they were bound to know about it later on.

"Lydia?" Satoshi was the first one to greet her, approaching her with a lightened expression on his face. This morning, there was no sign of Lydia anywhere so he assumed that he didn't pass the entrance exam or the exhibition match. Still, that sounded a bit ridiculous since it was Lydia they were talking about here.

As it turned out, she just overslept, and she missed the first class of the second semester.

"I was too excited, I couldn't sleep last night," Lydia explained with a bashful expression on her face.

After exchanging greetings with everyone else, all of them returned to their respective seats.