Payback Time

This wasn't the first time that Hiroshi and Midori were going head to head against each other. However, it had been a long time since they last engaged in combat, and it pressured them a little bit,

They were superheroes, and they were almost at the professional level. It was a given that they had more tricks up their sleeves and it might come out while they were fighting.

As Knighthawk gave the signal, Hiroshi was the first one to make a move, propping an earth wall in front of Midori so he could buy some time. He knew that Midori was strong, but what good is that strength if he couldn't use it at him in the first place?

It was well known that Midori is a close combat fighter. As for Hiroshi, he does well with long-range. That's why everything was advantageous for him. Both of them agreed to the fight, but Hiroshi was sure that he was going to win.