An Argument

The soft crunch of leaves underfoot accompanied the quiet footsteps of Satoshi and Kuroe as they strolled side by side. The streets had changed, buildings now taller and sleeker, the once familiar skyline of their childhood replaced by newer, modern structures. Yet despite the passage of time, there was something comforting about walking next to Kuroe again—an unspoken connection that remained even after five years apart.

Kuroe had tucked her hands into her coat pockets, her telekinetic abilities subtly adjusting her scarf as it fluttered in the evening breeze. Her eyes, however, remained focused on Satoshi. She had a million questions she wanted to ask, but for now, she let the silence stretch between them. She knew that Satoshi needed time to process everything. After all, waking up to a world that had moved on without you was no easy thing.