The Negative 10's plan

Levin, I know you wanted a round two Jessica extorted all you had to do was ask. shut up Jessica Rebecca exclaimed don't encourage this. you wouldn't be saying that if it was you in that alleyway Jessica replied. you're right I wouldn't, in fact, we wouldn't be stuck in this situation... oh how's that puny human vilgax extorted looking into her eyes.

if I was in that alleyway Kevin wouldn't be alive right now and if I wasn't chained to this pole you wouldn't either.

would you kill me, kid? not even ben can hold an even fight with me Kevin exclaimed grabbing the girl by the neck.

levin we need her alive Vilgax reminded the alien mutant... watch it vilgax you're not the boss of me.

I'm the reason you're out of the nor void. the gigantic alien looked down on the hybrid. and who's the reason why we were in the nor void? Tennyson, replied he replied leaving the room with Jessica in his arms.

don't you dare take her from me Rebbeca yelled I said can it vilgax exclaimed loudly knocking the young girl out? relax Rebbeca ben and your brother should be here to save us soon.

one kid and my brother are enough to stop these guys? we did have that one blonde kid who had a crush on me. he helped us turn their weapons against them. can we get him to help? by the time he gets here, it will be too late.

quiet in there I don't mind killing one of you to prove a point.

Levin shouted outside the door carrying Jessica to a secure room in the warehouse, now levin sweetie if you just wanted alone time all you had to do was ask. let's get this over with. knowing that annoying twerp Tennyson will be here soon think Gwen is just as horny as you kid? Maybe but Rebecca is better Jessica replied removing her clothes.

ill take your word for it kid Kevin replied thrusting his harden alien dick inside her womanhood.

still better than ben she shouted, shush kid the others don't know you're into this.

sorry, you're just... so.. good, she replied with each breath...

this feels a little looser than last time. when ben fucked me earlier he used wild vine and had 3 tips.

what's your point kid? Kevin asked while thrusting into her you absorbed the watch do you have a wild vine in there too,that's a good question kid.

climb off me for a minute kid Jessica climbed of the mutated dick and waited. after a few minute's Kevin's dicks started to change and grow into a 3 tipped dick. fuck better with this and I might become your sex slave Jessica exclaimed in aww of the dick. less talking more riding. right Jessica replied placing her ass pussy and mouth in position for his mutant dicks. OMG, this is better than last time   Jessica shouted Thrusting her hips as the alien dicks did their work... Thrusting into all 3 holes rapidly Kevin picked Jessica up so he could hold her easier. the vine dicks thrusting in and out rapidly while Jessica moved her hips according. I'm going to cum Kevin screeched pulling out the third dick out so Jessica could reply... can you cough cough put all 3 in my pussy she asked panting... with pleasure Kevin replied doing her request placing all 3 vine dicks into her pussy. moments later loads of alien seamen poured out of Kevin's dicks into her pussy.

levin clean yourself up and the girl we're going over the plan for taking out Tennyson. you got a shower around here Jessica asked weakly. for your kid, I'll buy you dinner and a movie... I'll take you up on that offer she said picking up her clothes. catch you later for round 3?

ya ya now go take a shower before vilgax catches you. is he going to rape me too? his species don't have the reproductive organs we do and diamond heads wild nuts and wild vines do? no, I just changed the shape to match my human dick.

so what would he do to me? probably kill you.

we all know the last time we fought Tennyson his cousin and max got in the way.

with max with a knife wound and Gwen chained downstairs that leaves ben and that crazy girl's brother Kevin added.

right frightwig extorted. so what we going to do hold them for ransom and hope ben falls for our trap? if he wants to see his cousin and those two other females alive he'll have to give me the watch.

I thought we were just going to kill the kid charmcaster asked? what's the use of the greatest weapon in the universe on a dead kid levin asked? a good point she replied. by this time tomorrow, I will have the Omnitrix and Tennyson's head.