the saber of the north

a man sits down on his couch, the man had his blazer over his shoulders like a cloak, shaggy platinum blonde hair, a thin but muscular build, scar over his right eye, blue shirt that had stripes on it, pants with tears in them and a sword next to them that looked like a saber.

"Oliver good to see you're doing well lad, but what brings you here?" the man asked "well Kai, I've came here to see my favourite bellend of course." Kai had a charming British accent, one that could make you faint in a instant while Oliver had a stereotypical accent "well Oliver I'm glad you came to see me but explain why I sense something is wrong with you?" Kai reaches over to his saber and then the saber was coated in a green energy "shit, you caught me." Oliver revealed a knife he had in his pocket "good God, do those bastards in America wanna have a word with me?" Kai assumes "what's their names again? highest power or some shit like that?" Kai sighs "yes its them in America, they want to have a chat with you about your recent actions and they wanted me too kill you if you didn't cooperate." Kai stands up from his couch "could of just sent a message ya know, they have me on WhatsApp or in the Instagram group chat." Kai then calls up the highest power on his cracked phone "yoo hoo? hi this is Kai Alexander and I'm gonna need a ride to America." he points his saber at Oliver's neck in case he tries anything "huh? Oliver has what on his chest!?" Kai then uses his saber like a stick too cut Oliver's shirt and then he saw a mirror that had a penis drawn on it "oh I'm gonna fucking kill you guys in a sec." he hung up instantly, sheathed his sword and left the room.

"stupid fucking highest powers, why do they even need to see me!?" he complained about "I swear if I hear fucking Mathew say some edgy shit like 'I'll erase in one touch you stupid bastard!' I'm gonna fucking lose it." his phone sends out a sharp bing and as he checks his phone, the message reading 'hi Kai, so like the whole reason we need you over here is because some people are of high concern and we need everyone from all over to judge the situation, lots of love, the highest power himself <3.' Kai sighed at the message "why should I have to come over, it's not my problem." Kai walked over to the sandy shore and looked around for the boat that was supposed to pick him up and then sighs again "leave it to him, too fuck up a simple task like sending a boat." as Kai looked up he saw Shigi floating down "yo hows my favourite tea drinker?" Kai looked at Shigi with a stern look but shigi didn't care "Shigi I gotta ask, if you're blind then how do you see and text?" Kai asks, stroking his chin "oh one of the powers I stole allowed me to sense people's emotions and so I just do that." Shigi states "and for the texting thing I just have someone else do it, anyways come on." Shigi then pulls over a small row boat out of nowhere and then the two climb in it "wait... where the hell are the oars?" shigi goes to the back of the boat and lifts his leg up slowly "one sec." he kicks the air which sent the boat flying down the water at mach 2, Kai grabbed onto the boat trying not to fall off but Shigi sits down and relaxes.

the two arrive at New York, the place bustling as always "ah New York! the city that never sleeps!" Kai looked around as Shigi dragged him along "come on, we need to get to the house." Kai was saddened by the fact "but I wanna see wicked! I heard it's really good." Shigi didn't care about what Kai said and just kept moving, after a while of being dragged around the two finally find the house "is this the place?" Kai asked as he looked at a regular house "yeah this is the house." Shigi opened door for Kai to see the rest of the highest power waiting there.

Kai walked in to be greeted by Sasha, Emily, highest light and Odin.

Kai sits down next to Odin "so what do you need me for? if its just for a assassination mission I could try." Kai said, holding the handle of his saber as if he was ready for a attack that could happen at any moment "well Kai we just want you to have a chat with a certain... boy, one you may of heard about." the highest light states, grabbing the attention of Kai "hm?" Kai grabbed a pen and note pad "do you remember nolan?" After Shigi said that a whole wave of silence hit them all, with Sasha even shedding a tear at the thought of him "is it about his brother?" Kai asked as he drew something down "he's blonde, bit small maybe like 4'9, usually with a tall man with a red scarf around his mouth, bags under his eyes and his power involves emotion something about storing them up I think but overall he's definitely deadly if he's out of control." Emily stated "oh someone has a keen eye." Kai said as he laughs at his own joke with Shigi and Odin giving off bit of a chuckle "alright and what do you want me to do have a stern talking with him?" Kai jokingly asked "hilarious Kai, I'm laughing my flat ass off." Mathew muttered the snarky response.

Kai stood up from the couch and took off "wait Kai!" Shigi catches the attention of Kai "just don't hurt him okay, just bring him here and only attack if necessary." Kai nods his head and then kept on walking, "10 bucks says he fights em." Mathew bets "nah I don't think he will."

Sasha smirked at Mathew but Mathew gave her the middle finger to taunt her, "I will use my string to cut off the blood flow to your finger."

Kai kept on walking through the streets "alright 4'9 and blonde hair, blonde hair...." he looked around to try and see if he could find them but he couldn't and just sat down "ugh, where could he be?" as he sat down he overheard some talking "oh Sam you have something on your face." Frank said as he wipes off a bit of food that rests on Sam's cheek "oh thanks Frank, guess I missed that." Sam giggled and then the two sat down near Kai without him noticing, Kai looked at Sam, back at his drawing then back to Sam "excuse me, but are you Sam?" Kai shows him the horrible drawing of Sam "hmm, looks like you Sam." "does it?" the two continued to look at the drawing but then Frano grabbed the drawing and burnt the paper "oh no I'm so sorry," Frank sarcastically said as he kept burning the paper as it starts to crumble, Frank blew at the paper to make it burn quicker "you fucking bellend!" Kai yelled before he grabs his saber and nearly slices off Frank's hand but his sword just passes through like he missed.

"tch! so you awakened your powers ay? that won't stop me!" he then swung his saber down at Frano repeatedly even though he just turns his body to flames as he strikes "Frank should we leave now?" Sam asked calmly "yeah sure, I heard Pete's coming over with his pet snake." Frank and Sam start to walk away "wait I need to ask that blonde short stack a question!" he chased after them until he finally caught up "kid, I've been told *huff, huff* by the highest power himself that you need too *huff* too..." Sam looked at Kai trying to catch his breath "you should be careful with that power!" Sam and Frank were baffled "he's already careful with it you idiot." Frank sighs "I am this close to stabbing you somehow." Kai the puts his blazer on properly "my name is Kai and I was told by to tell you that if you don't come with me I'll have to use force!" he pulls out his saber and coats it in his green aura, he aimed it at them "I guess I'll have to use force!" he then rushes at them, shifting left and right to confuse them "godley thrust!" he yells before thrusting his green coated saber forward at Frank "oh great now he's naming his attacks!" Frank said as he just keeps turning his body into fire while Sam floats above "get ready for this one!" Kai warned as he then covered his more of his aura and he then grabs the handle of his saber with two hands "the heavens blade!" the aura turned gigantic with everyone in the vicinity running away from them "oh fuck, should we run?" Sam asked Frank but Frank then charges up a giant fire ball "Sam I suggest you start running!" Sam floats and then quickly fly's away as Kai brings his sword down on the giant ball of fire until the clash is stopped *BOOOOM!!!* the fire disappears and the aura slowly turns small until it vanishes "2% output." Pete grabs the blade firmly and looks at it like it was a toy "hm, someone has a nice sword right here, more of a hand to hand guy." Pete grabs the sword out of his hand and throws it to the ground "come on, let's do a little hand to hand." Pete taunts Kai, but Kai calms down "I see your power type is a aura one like mine." Kai firms his stance but Pete just had his hands in his pockets and his facial expression was one of a man who had no worries "alright then, let's go!"

Frank watches the two fight, Pete seemingly winning at first *BAM!* He lands a hit right at Kai's nose, Kai grabbed his nose and then slammed his knuckles in Pete's stomach but he doesn't flinch "owie kazowi, you do throw a good punch, but not good enough!" Pete flicked Kai's head and sent him to the ground, rubble flying everywhere and he then kicks the rubble into Kai *BWOOA* the two continued to brawl until Pete picks up Kai's sword and slashes his chest *pssshhh!* blood spurting onto the blade and Pete's chest, Kai grabbed his sword back and strikes it down on Pete's wrist, cutting until he struck bone "even if I lose a limb or two, I'll still fight." the sword then fully cuts through Pete's wrist and his hand falls to the ground, "guess you need a bit of a ha-" before Kai could finish his joke Pete grabs his severed hand and slaps him in the face with it, the strike being so powerful it sends him to the floor "that's for that stupid pun you were gonna make." Pete then puts the hand back on the nub of his wrist with steam starting to come off *TSSSSS!!* he then reattached the hand to his wrist and moves it around "little bitch." Pete then walks over to Frank and the two walk back home.

Mavis polishes her rifle while James practices with his sword until Sam bursts through the door "guys you've gotta help, this strange guy with a British accent is chasing after me!" Sam said panicking and his hands on his head "seems like a you problem Sam, why would I wanna risk my life just to protect you from some British guy." James said as he sheathed his sword in its scabbard, Sam looks at Mavis "what? I don't wanna risk dying again." she states as she puts her rifle on her back "fuck!" Sam punches the wall nearby him in the doorway "Sam just calm down, deep breaths." Mavis rushes over to Sam and tries to calm him down "I am calm!" as Sam said that a red aura appeared around him "well your aura says otherwise, just sit down with me." Mavis brings Sam over to his couch.

Sam's red aura starts to dissipate slowly "thank you Mav." Sam hugs Mavis tightly "you're welcome Sam, I'll always be here to help." Mavis continues to comfort Sam while James practiced "I mean how tough can this guy be?" James asks with a smirk while swinging his sword around "Pete was fighting him." James's face then turns to shock "baldie Pete?" Sam nods "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!" he digs his sword into the ground "James I need to pay to fix that..." "its alright, just put a fucking rug over it because we have other matters to deal with!" James frantically rushes to a drawer and pulls out a glock "wait! weren't you just practising with a sword why use a gun?" Sam asked "because," *CHICK* James checks the magazine and loads it back in *click* he cocks the barrel back "always be prepared when it comes to a fight!" James then runs to Sam's room and all the two outside the room heard was clutter "you okay?" Mavis asked with the best hopes in mind "yeah *huff* I'm fine!" he then comes out with a worn cape around his shoulders, dirty and dusty leather jacket on him and a smirk on his face, but all he was met with was utter silence "James... what the hell is this?" Mavis asked with a look of disgust on her face "I call this my fighting clothes!" he said with gusto "James the only thing fighting right now is that jacket."

Pete and Frank walk through the door "I'm assuming Sam told you about this ma-" Pete looked at James "anyways, what's the plan?" Frank asks as he sits down near Sam "well, I'll just fight him." Pete said as he takes off his torn and dirtied shirt "uh no, last time you used your infinite percentage you nearly died!" Franl yells at Pete but Pete pauses "if it's the only chance we have at winning then I'm gonna have to use it!" Pete states as he started to shadow box in the room *FWOO, FWOOO, FWOOO, FWOO, FWOOO, FWOOO* his rapid pacing accidentally putting a hole in the wall "if I'm gonna die, I might as well die doing what I love!" Pete continued to shadow box while the others prepared a plan.

As Pete threw the last hit to his none existent opponent, with smoke coming off his fist with the last blow "so the plan?" he asked with a bit of sweat coming down his forehead "well basically we just hit him until he drops." James said calmly "well I guess we should go find him no-" Sam was cut off by his door being knocked on, "I'll get it." Pete grabs the door knob and slowly opens it to be met with Kai, blazer hanging on his shoulders like a cape, his saber already coated in his green aura, sunglasses on his bruised and scratched face "hello mate, now I think we already know where this is going." Kai said with his sword ready "outside please, I don't wanna ruin this place." Pete then spits at Kai's shoes but Kai calmly walks out with them, putting his saber in its scabbard and holding it on his side.

As they stand outside, the street cleared for them all, Kai standing off the group "now this isn't exactly the most fair fight, so I had that powerful bastard send some men." as Kai said that some people appeared next to him and behind him, one man with tied up red hair, dirty suit and tie, jacket on the suit and torn shoes "yo, names Francis aka this mans shield!" Francis then forms green spheres floating in the air. another woman with short curly hair appears, scar on her left cheek that moved down to her lips, earrings with tiny little toy spiders in them, tank top and baggy pants with tears and blood stains in them "Claire, you couldn't of changed?" Francis asks before Claire turns into a red skinned monster with goat horns and a scaly tail, long nails and shark teeth "shut it Francis, I just want to get this over with." they all stare each other down, Mavis and James staring down Claire, Frank and Pete watching Francis's every movement and Sam looking at Kai, Sam starting to unbottle his emotions.

Kai slowly pulls out his saber "hey blondie, be careful with him, anyone with a aura power can be the most dangerous enemy." Pete informs Sam, suddenly Kai slices Sam, his shirt torn by the slash and blood slowly pouring out his wound "now strike!!" Kai orders them and then Claire rushes over to James and grabs him, opening her mouth full of crooked shnark teeth "Mavis help!" he yells quickly, but then Mavis is slammed to the floor with Claire's tail.

Pete and Frank are then hit by Francis's green spheres, Frank tries to burn them but he's most with failure "why won't they burn?" Frank continues to burn it until his flames turn blue "you dumbass they indestructible! nothing can break them!" Pete tries to hit them but not even he can break them "shit he's right!" Francis then forms more green spheres and tosses them at Frank and Pete's bodies *BAM!* one hits Frank in the stomach and sends him to the ground. Pete then has a red aura engulf him "40% output!" as more spheres come flying at him he punches them all but just sends them flying in other directions "come here you little bitch!" Pete rushes over to Francis, ready to punch him in the face but then he hits a green barrier *BOOMP!* the barrier just stood still in one piece, not even a crack from Pete's hit "what's wrong baldie?" Francis then summons green spikes out of the shield, piercing through Pete's tough skin "ah!" Pete grabs the spike and slams his fist into it repeatedly hoping it would crack but he was met with only failure "try all you want skin head, they won't crack." Francis then created a spear, then had chains grab Pete's arms and bring him down to the ground "now prepare to die by the shield of the highest power!" he thrusts the spear but then Pete takes a deep breath "well this is worse than the infinite% but at least it doesn't kill me!" Frank shoots a flame at Pete's body, engulfing his entire body in fire, "a million% output, flaming demon!" his demon aura surrounds him and he then punches the spear with one shot breaking it "well ain't that a load of shit!" Pete then took the spike out of his shoulder and crushed it in his hand, "get back!" Francis yells in fear as he forms thousands of barriers to protect him but that didn't stop the burning demon, Pete then starts to barrage the barriers with his hits *POW, POW, POW, POW, POW!* his knuckles start to get bloodied as he repeatedly hits the barriers with all his might, "Frank!" he yelled out and then suddenly the flames turn to blue, pink, green, violet and then a dazzling white flame, and now with every hit from Pete a little wick of white flames stayed on the barrier until Pete breaks them all in one mighty punch. Pete rushes over to Francis with his fists held together as he slams them down onto Francis's head, knocking him down to the floor. the flames and the aura displayed slowly, as if they were being put out "alright *huff* game over." Pete spat out some blood onto the floor until he drops to the floor but Frank quickly caught him.

James pinches Claire's neck which annoys her "ow! little sissy." she punches James in the stomach after freeing him from her shark like jaw "well shit, you probably gave me rabies after biting me!" he yelled as he pulled out his knuckle duster with spikes from the knuckles "James don't get close she'll just bite you again." Mavis said as she slowly stood up "who gives one!" James runs towards Claire and slams his fist into Claire's shoulder and pierces the spikes through her shoulder "you bitch!" she shouts as sprouts four wings from her back "uh oh." James whispered underneath his breath before Claire flew up, taking James with her "AAAAAAHHHH!!" he screams as Claire took him up into the sky "ah shit!" Mavis grabs her revolver and shoots into the sky frantically "let me down horned lady, I'd never hurt a lady!" James shouts as he removes his pierced knuckle duster from Claire's shoulder "oh really is that so?" she asks as she slowly softens her grip "yeah, I promise." James then looks at Mavis and sees she's lining up her shot "but I never said anything about shooting a girl!" Mavis fires the bullet, it spins through the air until it hits Claire in the side of her stomach "shit, going down!" James then sees a flaming figure flying towards him and it was Frank, grabbing him out of the air "Frank you amazing man, thank you so much." James kissed Frank on the cheek "you're... welcome." Frank takes him to the ground and saw Mavis pointing her revolver at Claire "you think *huff* you can stop u-" Mavis knocks Claire out with the butt of her revolver and now... there they stood, Kai had Sam at the end of his sword, Sam was sliced and scratched with his shirt torn to just threads "Mate... you're not using your powers at it's full potential! why so?" Kai wanted too know so dearly "because if I dom then this entire city will be gone, or hell if it gets too bad the entire country will be erased!" Sam warned as he stood up with a even darker red aura shinning around him, one that resembled Pete's aura "I don't care kid! show me your full power! LET LOOSE!!" Kai yelled for everyone to hear.

Sam charges at Kai, bashing him into a wall, a black aura swelling around him, Sam throws Kai around in the air until he slams him into the ground "yes Sam, this is the fight I wanted!" Kai grabs his saber firmly and slices Sam's chest which then caused blood to spurt on him "bury." as Sam said that rubble surrounded Kai like he had his own gravitational pull until his view was blackened and then Sam sends the mound of rubble into the air and has it crushed more and more "Sam stop!" Frank yelled hoping Sam would hear him "I got this, infinite% malevolent demon!" whilst Pete's body was still battered and bruised he could still go and fight (if I could just use malevolent for just a split sec I'll still have my powers) Pete gets coated in a blood red demon aura, focusing it all in one punch and then collided his fist with Sam's chest, sending out a massive shockwave that would destroy anyone if it was a direct hit but Sam's black aura defended him, Pete's aura Instantly fades away and he fell to the ground with a loud thud "so guys we may have a bit of a problem." Pete holds out his hand waiting for something to land in it and so there was a awkward moment "Pete you uh... you need something? like a good firm handshake." James said before he was pushed out the way by Mavis *BWOOOM!!* his metal baseball bat flies into Pete's hand, "alright!" Pete jumped up into the air and slams his bat into Sam's shoulder but it doesn't affect him and so he swings it a hundred more times until it gets a bit bent "uh oh." Pete drops his bat and then Mavis fires a barrage of bullets at Sam but he crushes them all just with a tilt of his head "Sam can you like, come back to your fucking senses right now!" James shouts but then Sam appeared right in front of him and latches his hand onto James face "prepare..." as Sam said that, James gets overwhelmed by emotions that were released onto him by Sam, rage, sadness, shame, embarrassment all overwhelmed James brain "Pete, break the rock!" Frank yells and then Pete looked up at the rubble holding Kai and then a giant green blade made of energy slices clean through the rubble and Kai was in the core of the rubble and his green aura surrounded him "round two!" Kai stood on the floating bit of rubble and jumps downwards towards Sam with his saber radiating a energy that everyone all around the world feeling it "just die." Sam released waves of anger and confusion towards Kai but his saber cut right through the gas like waves of emotions *SWOOOM, SWOOOOM!* he kept slicing through them and soon enough he reached Sam with his sword right next to his neck but Sam's black aura engulfed it and so to get through the aura Kai reached into his pocket and threw sand at Sam's face "pocket sand! it works wonders I know." Sam rubs his face as he tries to get rid of the sand but then Kai hits Sam with the butt of his saber and knocks him out, making the black aura disappear and having Sam fall to the ground with Frank catching him.

Kai dropped to the floor as well but he lands safely "back off!" everyone gets ready to fight Kai once more but then Kai raises his palm and sighs "I'm done, you guys win." he sheathed his saber and having his aura disappear "I'm going back to London and gonna find a hobby, maybe knitting or work at a animal shelter for cats." Kai walks past the group and then suddenly they hear a sort of noise that sounds like a beam firing, as they turn around they see the highest light standing there, his buttoned up white striped shirt, his fur coat with the fur around the neck of it and the coat was hanging on his shoulders like a cape, bright yellow pants and a pair of sunglasses to finish the outfit "Kai." fear fills all their hearts and they prepare themselves for whats to come, in the blink of an eye this highest light knocks them all out cold and Shigi watches them from above, eating popcorn like he was watching a action film "come on boys let's go!!" he yells, spilling the popcorn over the building ledge and the highest light having him clean it up, the two then take Kai back to England in a strange way "well I've got a cheaper, more fast way of sending him back." the highest light, recoiled his leg backwards with it shining a bright yellow "wait!! I'll just teleport him back, no kicking needed." Shigi said as he teleports him away "well what am I supposed to do with this?" Shigi sighs "I don't know, having light powers isn't in my library you know." Highest light gave a frustrated look as he released his kick towards a far away run down building, the building instantly blowing up with Shigi having a pleased smile "well I don't have to clean that up at least, thank God you're considerate." the two then teleport over to their main building of operation, forgetting about Sam