a swordsman's hunting

Dorek looked down at Frank, he spat down at his body *POOT!* Frank tries to stand up but then *BAM!!* a bullet went straight through his shoulder which made Dylan question Dorek "hmm not his time my ass." He said quietly under his breath "the future didn't say anything about shooting him again." he shoves the pistol into the pocket at the back of his pants as he then grabs Dylan's shoulder who then teleported away, leaving Frank alone and bleeding out in the alley until Sam came along, he followed the trail of scorch marks that lead down the road and into the alley "oh shit Frank!" he rushes over to Frank's side and tries to stop the bleeding "Sam... that clockwork guy *cough* and teleporter shot me..." he sits up and crawls up against a wall covered with grafitti, resting against the wall "Frank you're going to be fine alright! I promise you that just let me call an ambulance." Sam pulls out his phone and dials 911, but while Frank listens to Sam spout out information about their locations his eyes began to grow weary and heavy "alright they'll be here in 15 minutes, can you hang on for that long?" he asked him as he began to shut his eyes, Sam then slapped Frank across the face and shook him by his shoulders "don't you dare close your eyes!! I'm not letting you die on me!" he states as he tries to keep Frank awake, patiently waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Sam waits in a chair beside Frank who had a healer by his side, treating his wounds, Frank saw three people enter the room and those people being Pete, Mavis and Jamie who held flowers that read 'it was nice knowing you. ' Sam sighs "Jamie... Franks not dead." Jamie scoffs and throws the flowers to the floor "told you he wasn't dead but you insisted on it." Mavis whispered to him as she comforted him "yeah I know Mav, kinda figured that out now." They all stand beside him as the doctor does their best job at trying to make sure there no scar left behind "zodiac's?" Pete asked who was still trying to recover "yeah, bastard tricked me and shot me." the doctor finished patching up Frank and leaves the room "oh that's gonna cost a lot isn't it?" he asked Sam who then nods which caused Frank to sigh "ay just think man, they won't stand a chance when your back at full health." Pete states to cheer up Frank and then they see a man walk through the door of the room, a man with long black hair, goatee, samurai sword at his side, shorts, a torn white shirt under a leather jacket that was over his shoulders and a little accent that was barely noticeable "ay 'scuse me gentleman and ma'am." he said as he pulls out a crumpled piece of paper that was torn at the sides "is this room 186?" he asked confused, Jamie took a look at the paper "room 186 is four rows down on the right, it's got a scratch mark on it in the shape of a heart." the man folds up the paper, shoving it back into his pocket "thank you sir." the man quickly left the room and he walks along the corridor, pulling out his flip phone "yeah I found them, hmm mm... alright." the man quickly turned back and unleashed his shimmering sword.