Elena slowly unrested her head from Lune's shoulder. She didn't want to think about anything. She didn't.

"True," she said. "My fairy head mother said it's true."

"Oh My God, this is huge!" He said. "And interesting."

Of course, you can say that.

"I didn't want to know."

"Oh," he said. "I'm sorry."

She sighed. "It's okay. So now my real name is supposed to be Courtney?"

"It's a nice name."

"Oh shut up, Luke," she grunted out. "How do they name children at Amigo?"

"Well, if the child previously had a name then that's what the child would be called. But if there's no name tag then they automatically give the child a name," he explained.



"Yeah," he continued. "Like me, my parents had named me already before they decided to... abandon me."

Hurt flashed into his eyes as he almost immediately made it disappear. Elena took his hands and squeezed them.

"I don't know what this means or the mystery behind this, or exactly who June is but we're going to find out," he said, looking at her straight in the eye. "The nuns should be able to answer some questions right?"

"Maybe," she shrugged. "Let's try."


The next day, they decided to meet the Sister Mary, the head of the nuns. They skipped lunch to go knowing it might be a good opportunity since she almost never got down for lunch.

Her office was on the last floor. They rarely went there. Sister Mary was usually around the house. Elena's last memory been there was when she was ten and Luke had punched a kid who had insulted her. They were both summoned to her office alongside the kid and of course, they got into trouble.

"You're the one talking right?" Luke asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"Of course not," she replied. "You are talking."

"My bad," he replied smirking. "I wasn't asking. I was telling you."

She grunted. "Be nice, Luke."

"Oh Cmon, Elena," he began as she squeezed her face. "There's no way I'm going in there to talk on your behalf. It'll be weird. You ask her, make the enquiries . I'll chip in but you'll have to start."

"Mmm," she hummed, her fingers drumming on her door.

They both nodded like she could see them immediately they heard 'come in'. Elena walked in, her eyes scanning the room as she bowed lightly.

"Oh Elena! Luke!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "How are you two?"

"Very fine, ma'am." They chorused.

"Great to hear," she said, straightening her gown. She leaned forward to get her glasses, leaving Elena wondering if she needed it to see them. "How may I help you guys?"

Luke nudged Elena as she shifted uncomfortably in her quite comfortable chair.

"Actually, Sister... I just... actually..." she stuttered.

"Confidence," she cut in. "Speak Child."

"I just want to know how I was brought into Amigo."

"Oh, Child," she shifted in her seat. "Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"

"I'm just curious."

  "Well," she pressed her lips. "It's quite a story."

"Um... I want to hear it."

"Very well then," she paused. "You were found at a hospital's entrance. Crying and wailing, such an innocent child you were. One of our workers found you and decided to bring you here. Then even after bringing you here, your old aunt came back to collect you. Few weeks after, she died. And that's how you were brought back to Amigo."

False. Shit

"Oh," she muttered, looking at Luke's face, hoping to read an emotion.

"Was it her Aunt that named her 'Elena'?" Luke finally chipped in, earning a mental 'thank you' from Elena.

"Why are you two asking so many questions about a bad day," she said chuckling lightly. "It's been quite sometime, I don't really remember. Besides, I'm quite busy right now okay?"

"Mmm," she mumbled, standing up. "Thanks for your time."

"My pleasure."

Elena bowed lightly again feeling weak suddenly. She shut the squeaking door behind her heading downstairs.


"It's a lie," she interrupted him. "What she said was a lie. A lie."

"I know. I mean I didn't really believe it either," he replied, placing his hands on her shoulder.

"What am i supposed to do now?" She asked, honestly confused.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Wait for this mystery to unveil itself."

"Why do I feel you're enjoying all of this?" Elena scoffed.

"My apologies," he replied, smiling weirdly. "But yes, this is going to be fun. I mean there's your fairy headmother that's telling you things and now we're finding out that your name's supposed to be Courtney and the nun's lying and all. This will be fun!"

"I do not think so."

"You need to!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "We're going to be finding out the mystery behind Miss Elena Courtney."

Elena scrunched her nose. "Have fun."

"Elenaaaaaa," he whined, draping his arms around her shoulders.


"I gotta go meet up with the boys now," he said, earning a 'true' from her head. "See ya later."

"Get out," she pushed him away not bothering to wave back. His hands went straight to his hips as he stared at her. He walked towards her, immediately pulling her into a hug.

"See ya!"

Elena sluggishly headed to her room, accompanied by the constant 'true' and 'false' voices in her head as she walked through the corridors. She got in to meet her roommates all busy with either their phones, books or sleep. She walked over to her bed side, her eyes catching a glimpse of her backpack laying carelessly on her bed.

She had tons of homework.

They'd have to wait. She opened her wardrobe, pulling out her hoodie and headphones. She pulled her hoodie over, shuffling through her playlists.

She just needed a long walk.