"Let's all go to a restaurant today.''

  It was their third day at Ireland. Elena paid almost no attention to Ivy's suggestion as she was too busy searching for the laces to the sneakers she wore the previous day. She could swore she left them by her bed side but to her surprise they had disappeared. She dared not ask June for their whereabouts sure she was going to tease her.

  'Are you sure you didn't leave it in Daniel's room?' That was probably what was going to say if she asked her. She groaned at the memory of her mysteriously falling asleep in Daniel's room. On his shoulders too. She couldn't be more glad June decided to come wake her up at 11:48pm. According to June, Daniel had also fallen asleep, his head rested on her head and instead of Jordan waking them up from their unplanned slumber immediately he got in, he stood at a corner of the room quietly watching them sleep.

As if June's teasing wasn't enough, Jordan decided to make teasing Elena everytime he saw her his purpose of existence. Everytime they crossed paths he'd give her weird looks and continuously wiggle his eyebrows to the point Elena feared they were all going to fall off. She sadly had to spend her day at the museum avoiding Jordan and even though she had no idea why, Daniel too. She made sure she didn't ask too much questions or say anything that would make June go down the awkward memory lane.

Phew, she finally found it. It was laying quietly under the bed.

  What was Ivy saying again?

"A restaurant?''

"With the whole class?''

"No,'' Ivy laughed. "Didn't you hear? We're all allowed to go out today. We'll be given a map so we can find our way back to the hotel.''

"Cool!" June clapped her hands. "I know a nearby restaurant."


"You do?"

"We can always check Google map," June shrugged.

Elena pulled off her clothes, waiting for Ivy to leave the bathroom. She picked her phone, replying to Luke's text.

A picture.

She reached for a hoodie, quickly wearing it over the towel wrapped around her chest. She took a picture, smiling ,and sent it to Luke.

After she had taken her bath, she contemplated on wearing a dress shirt or a hoodie with a regular jean. The weather had previously seemed cold so wearing a hoodie should be a good idea.

Instead, she went with a blue dress shirt reaching a little above her knee. She wore a matching white sneakers and her hair was tied up in a ponytail. She threw her bag around her shoulders, dropping her phone and wallet in it.

The weather was warm when they got outside, to her advantage. Elena, Ivy, June, Daniel, Jordan and Melanie had all decided to go together. Elena didn't expect Melanie to tag along but June invited Daniel and he invited Jordan and then to their surprise Melanie accepted Jordan's offer to tag along.

  Students poured out of the hotel, all staring at the map they were given. It looked confusing to Elena but since Jordan and Melanie seemed confident on their way around, it was okay.

They contemplated on what restaurant to go after seeing about three different ones close to them. After minutes of indecisiveness, they finally picked one that looked fancy enough for their pockets.

They ordered a full table, Daniel and Jordan deciding to be gentlemen by footing the bill. They found themselves fascinated by the taste of Irish foods but one that Elena and literally all of them couldn't get over was the Soda bread. With every bite, Elena wished Luke was there with her to taste it. He'd have stuffed his face with it in delight so instead she took pictures so he could drool over it instead.

"So what should we do next?" Jordan asked on them leaving the restaurant.

"Let's go shopping!"

"Let's go to the cinema!"

Everyone was silent except for Melanie and June.

"Let's check out the malls!" Melanie insisted, June scrunching her nose. "Fine. Let's take a vote. Who wants to go to the malls?"

They all raised their hands slowly leaving June's mouth wide open.

"Gosh, I feel so betrayed," June huffed. "Elena, you too?!"

Elena shrugged, laughing. She wanted to get something for Luke and of course she couldn't get that from a cinema. She draped her arm around June's shoulders. "Let's go to the mall, you would see something you like." And you may see something your boyfriend will like.

"Besides," Ivy added. "We're in a different country. Would you rather sit and watch a movie than checking out the malls?"

"That's the weirdest thing I've heard someone want to do abroad," Daniel laughed. "Let's go. Don't worry, it'll be fun."

"Yeah, whatever."

On getting to the mall, they split. Daniel and Jordan crawled to the men's section leaving Elena, June, Ivy and Melanie at the women's section. Melanie pounced on the clothing rack like a hungry lion. Unhesitatingly picking dresses, asking for their opinions, and picking more dresses.

Ivy seemed more interested in shoes. Sneakers to be precise. She got 4 different pairs of sneakers, all in black, making Elena wonder why she'd gotten 4 sneakers of the same color.

June had an equally confused expression as Elena's. She couldn't make up her mind on what to buy. Elena had intended to buy a t-shirt for all her roommates, but the price tag had her running.

She ended up buying a black and white patterned flared gown reaching a little above her knees.

"Elena, let's get this!" June said though it came out as a yell, picking a T-shirt from the rack. It was a white T-shirt with the words 'Together and Forever. I love you' in big red letters. "Let's get one each."

"Aw, I feel so left out," Ivy said, dramatically, saving Elena from a awkward-to-be conversation. "My heart's so broken."

"Ayy," Elena pulled Ivy closer to her. "Let's all get one each."

June gave Ivy a playful glare, taking three of the t-shirts from the rack.

"So what else?"

"I don't know," Elena bit her lip. "I really want to get Luke something."

"Luke? Who's Luke? Your boyfriend? Is Luke your boyfriend?" Melanie babbled, appearing out of nowhere.

"Damn, chill girl," Elena gushed, surprised by her interest. "No, Luke isn't my boyfriend. Why are you even so bothered?"

Melanie breathed out, moving close to Elena. "Do you like Daniel?"

"Eh?" Was all Elena could sputter completely taken aback.

"And what if she does?" June interrupted, coming in between them.

Melanie rolled her eyes. "I like Daniel."



"So stay-"

"Your crush on Daniel is not only one sided but hopeless," June deadpanned. "So if there's anyone staying away, I don't need to say who it is right?"

Melanie opened her mouth to say something but was cut short as Jordan appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey y'all! Let's get this t-shirts," he yelled holding a white T-shirt with 'I love Ireland' printed on it in fat red letters.

Melanie rolled her eyes, mentally cursing Jordan for not allowing her give June a reply. She flipped her hair, earning a jingle from her bangles as she snatched the t-shirts from Jordan.

"Who said I love Ireland?" She asked rhetorically, immediately returning the t-shirts back to Jordan.

"Don't be such a sport," Jordan huffed. "We're all getting it."

"With or without you," June added, taking one of the t-shirts from Jordan.

"Shall we?"

They all headed to the counter to pay. Elena fidgeted knowing she hadn't gotten something for Luke but at the same time had no idea on what to buy.

"Um...y'all," she finally said. "I'll be right back. I need to get one more thing."

Without waiting for a response, she dashed into the male section. Her eyes ran through the racks as her mind got busy with deciding on what to get him.

She finally settled with a striped T-shirt. It was cool and perfect with her budget.

"Wow, did you get that for Daniel?" Jordan gushed as Elena paid.

"Um, no," she replied awkwardly, everyone's eyes on her. "I got it for Luke."

"Oh Luke. Your boyfriend!" Melanie said loudly, Elena rolling her eyes.

Elena smiled. "It's none of your business, Melanie."

June chuckled as they made their way out of the mall. Without any hesitation, they all headed back to the hotel feeling pleased.


Come outside, I'm...

Luke hit the delete button as realization hit him. He sighed. She wasn't at Amigo. She wasn't home. He undeniably missed her presence. Having her around him everyday for close to ten years had sure gotten him addicted to her presence.

"Guess imma have to eat you myself," he said to the bread in the brown paper bag he was holding. He had saved it for her from his dinner. Freshly baked chocolate bread. He knew how much she loved it and it pissed him off to know he was going to have to shove it down his throat, alone.

  It was late. 9:47pm to be precise. Way past his bedtime too. He sat on Elena's favorite chair at Amigo garden, where he'd hoped she'd come, meet and nag him about sitting on her favorite chair.

The night was cold and empty. The moon seemed to be in a good mood as it shone brightly, directly on Luke illuminating his presence to the screeching birds as they screeched in delight or despair- Luke couldn't figure out which.

He knew he should be headed towards the male dorm but he couldn't bring himself to do it. It seemed like he could feel Elena's presence on the empty chair. Her face would be glowing and he was sure the moon would be nice enough to shine directly on her. She would be laughing to his corny jokes or probably scoffing to something honest he had said. Her brown hair would be dancing on her face, begging him to touch them and dance along with them to his imaginary tune.

Damn, he missed her.

Luke: When are you getting back?

Elena: Aw, dyu miss me that much?

Luke: You wish I did. We both know I didn't.

Crickey, he wondered if her lie detector powers could detect lies through texts.

Elena: I missed you too.

His lips definitely betrayed him as they curved into a smile.

Luke: How are you?

Elena: I'm fine. Howbout you? How have you been?

Luke: Greattt.

Luke: About to sleep?

Elena: Nope. Game night wayy. Me, June, Ivy, Daniel, Jordan and some of Daniel's friends are playing games tonight.

Luke: Ohh, sounds fun. Who's Jordan?

Elena: It should be.

Elena: Jordan's Daniel's best friend.

Luke: Oh yeah, Lily asked for your number.

Elena: Lily?

  Luke: Yup. She finally got a new phone. Her part time jobs finally paid off.

  Elena: Aw, good for her.

  Luke: Yeah, the excitement. Lucky you, you don't have to work part time to get extra cash

Elena: I don't know what to thanks?

Luke: Ask your mystery sponsor to adopt me. I'm cuteeeeee as hell yk.

Elena: Don't even get me started .

Luke: Fine. Ask her to adopt you too. That way we can actually become real siblings.

Elena: Are you drunk?

"Who's there?" a voice yelled, flashing a torch at Luke. "Who is it?"


"Shit," he muttered as he slid his phone down his hoodie pocket, getting up. It was 9:42pm, way too late for him to be caught roaming around.

He racked his brain for an excuse cause he was sure he wasn't going to escape questioning from whoever flashed the torch at him.

I'm sorry I got lost and found myself at Amigo garden? Nah, he was too handsome for such a flimsy excuse. Most of the sisters knew him anyways, if not all. The kid that brought himself to Amigo.

"Oh, Luke, it's you."

Busted. "Sister..." he couldn't even remember her name. He bowed his head anticipating what would come out of her mouth next.

"What are you doing out here all alone?"

"I..." he began. Damn, what was he supposed to say? "I couldn't sleep."

"Oh, poor you. You-"

"But I'm sleepy already," he faked a yawn. "Good night, ma'am."

Without waiting for her reply, he made his way past her heading straight to his dorm.


"Whose room are we going to be playing the games?" Elena asked, picking her phone from her bedside table.

"Daniel and Jordan's," June replied. "Pfft, you make it sound like we're going to play chess. It's just Truth or Dare."


"With alcohol," Ivy chipped in. "Let's go."

Elena's eyebrows danced on hearing alcohol. Truth or Dare with alcohol.

No, she wasn't going to be a spoilsport.

"Hey, girlsss," Jordan ushered them as they walked into his room. "Come in. We've been expecting you."



"What's up, y'all?"


Elena, June and Ivy splitter as they sat across a round table alongside Daniel, Jordan, Melanie, and two other people from their grade.

"Elena, June, Ivy," Jordan spoke up. "I'm guessing you guys know Zack and Brandon. They're also from the swimming team."

"Yeah." The reply was sluggish.

"Fine, get to know each other then," he said opening a bottle of alcohol. "Zack, Brandon. Elena, June, Ivy."

"Okay, okay," Melanie hushed. "I'm guessing we all know how to play it. Anyways, the penalty for being unable to complete a dare or answer a question truthfully will be drinking a huge cup of alcohol."

Elena shifted.

"Make it two," Zack suggested, excitedly.

"Daniel, where are the cups?"

"Right," he said, getting up from where he sat next to Melanie. He walked over to their bed, opened their knapsack and pulled out two plastic cups.

Elena watched Daniel as he made his way back to the circle. He was wearing a grey loose sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Seeing him sit next to Melanie had made her heart twitch a little. She looked briefly at June sitting next to her who seemed to be getting along well with the guys from the swimming club.

She bent her head wishing she hadn't tied her hair to the back so she could cover her face with it. She could feel Daniel walking towards her.

"Here," he bent in between June and Elena, dropping the cups on the table. June smiled, giving Elena a little nudge as she got up. She wasn't so dumb to not realize what Daniel was trying to do.

"Hey," Daniel said to Elena as he replaced June.

"Oh, hi," she replied, glaring at June who laughed in return.

"The necklace-"

"Let's start the game!" Jordan's voice cut Daniel's compliment short. It wasn't too late as Elena's gade shifted to the necklace Daniel gave her. She hadn't even realized she had it on.

Zack spinned the bottle first. "Ha, Melanie. Truth or Dare?"


"Okay, I'll go easy on you. Spend the next ten minutes on Jordan's lap."

Elena caught the glint in Jordan's eyes as Melanie comfortably sat on his lap.

Ivy was next. "Jordan. Truth or Dare?"


"Ugh. Confess something you've never told anyone here."

"Ouuuu," Daniel and Jack cooed in unison.

Jordan smirked. "I have a crush on a girl in this circle."


Elena smiled on realizing she'd be able to tell if anyone lied or not. Curiosity got the best of her as she hoped Jordan confessed who the girl was.


He smiled to himself. "Melanie."




"Okay I did not see that coming."

"Oh?" Melanie almost stuttered, turning to face Jordan. He wiggled his eyebrows in reply as she turned back.


Elena was next. "Juneeeee. Truth or Dare?"


"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I thought you guys were best friends," Melanie asked, giving Elena and June strange looks. "You don't know that much about each other?"

"Focus on your lap dance, Melanie," June hissed. "Nahh."


Elena found herself strangely not surprised.

"I can be that," Zack draped his arm over June's shoulders.

"No, thanks," June playfully took Zack's arm away from her shoulders.

Daniel was next. "Jordan. T or d?"

"Dare, baby."

"French kiss Brandon for 5 minutes."

"EEEEWWWW NO! Fuck, no. What the hell, dude?! Jordan drink up, not a fucking chance," Brandon yelled making everyone burst into laughter.

"Your loss, dude," Jordan said, grabbing a cup. "All the girls of Dawson High would kill to be kissed by me."

"Daniel," Jordan smirked. "T or D?"


"Hold hands with the person on your left till the end of the game."

He could have just said 'Elena'.

"Shall I?" he held out his hand.

She smiled as she placed her hand into his.


Brandon spinned the bottle. "Elena, truth or dare?"


"Who do you have a crush on at the moment?"

Elena swallowed. Daniel. There was no way she was going to admit it. Not in the presence of all these people. Not even if it was just both of them.

"Shit," she muttered as she grabbed the red cup of alcohol.

"Cowardly much," Brandon chuckled, watching Elena empty the content of the cup down her throat.

She immediately felt tipsy. Was the alcohol stronger than usual or was it just her poor drinking skills?

"Elena," Melanie smiled. "Truth or Dare?"


"Makeout with Zack for at least 5 minutes."

  She felt Daniel's hand tighten around hers.

She was sure Melanie hated her.

"I'm all yours, baby," Zack licked his lips.

"You wish," Elena replied him as she grabbed the cup. She was going to regret it, she could bet a million dollars on it.

"Easy girl," June cautioned, watching her drink. "You don't have that much tolerance for alcohol, remember?"

They all took turns spinning the bottle until it got to Melanie's turn, again. She spinned the bottle watching it choose Daniel.

"Truth or dare, Danny."

He couldn't trust Melanie. "Truth."

She smiled. "When was the last time you kissed someone. Or, no, allow me rephrase. When was the last time you and someone kissed."

Daniel took a quick glance at Elena who quickly looked away pretending she wasn't paying attention and then Melanie.

"Damn," he grabbed the cup, immediately emptying the content.

Elena's lip twitched. Why couldn't he reply? Did he kiss someone very recently or was he ashamed he hadn't kissed anyone in a while? She hoped it was the lather as she went back to the game.

The game lasted for close to another 30 minutes before they all decided to call it a day. Elena drank 3 more cups of alcohol resulting in her head spinning like crazy.

She rolled on her bed wondering why she couldn't sleep. It was almost midnight already and June was already fast asleep. Her head was spinning. She felt dizzy. She felt like she was about to throw up. The fact that she couldn't sleep just made it all worse.

She reached for a hoodie as she got up. She put on her flip flops heading outside to the balcony.

"Elena? Is that you?" A voice said to her, immediately recognizing it as Daniel's.

"Hey. Yeah, it's me."

"What are you doing out here in the dark, alone?" He asked, moving towards her.

Was there two Daniel standing beside her or was it just her eyes? "I don't know. I can't sleep."

"Me neither," he chuckled.

"Mhm," she nodded, dramatically.

A familiar awkward silence fell between them.

"Are you drunk?" Daniel finally spoke up.

  "Not really. I guess. Are you?"

"Not really," he replied. "At least I'm sober enough to notice how cute you look right now.

Did he really say that or was she hearing things? She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. "Thanks?"

Daniel breathed out. "Elena, I have something to say. Actually...I mean...i...the thing is," he paused for a while. "I think I like you. Actually, I've known you since we were in the 9th grade but never could talk to you. I just didn't have a reason and you didn't look like the type of girl to hangout with someone like me. There was just something about you that I couldn't exactly figure out. Watching you run around with June, I wished I could be friends with you too but I just didn't know how. I'm not the shy type but I just couldn't gather enough courage with you. When June spoke to me and introduced you to me I was so happy. I was so glad then we started to hang out and that was when I realized I was so crazy about you and always had been. You're so beautiful, so cool, so fun to be with and you make me so happy. Honestly, i-"


"Stop," Elena whispered as she placed a finger on his lips. What was happening? It was too good to be true. She moved closer to him, their faces only few inches apart. He was staring directly at her, his eyes meeting her dark ones. His hair was all over his face, the night breeze messing with it. He had a look of nervousness on, his lips twitching as he pressed and licked them occasionally.

God, he was so handsome.

"Elena, i-"

"Shh," she shushed him, leaning even closer. Everything seemed so perfect at that moment. So perfect she didn't want it to end.

She smiled at him. A smile he didn't return. Without thinking, she got on her toes immediately pressing her lips onto his.

Nah, it was just all her drunk delusions.