Grades Can't Be Everything (1)

Chi Wei didn't react, but Chi Wan's breathing became heavier.

It was just a blind cat that ran into a dead mouse. Why was he so excited?

Who knew that Chi Yu was just the beginning.

The young man blinked his eyes and quickly began the rest of the operation. Every word and sentence sounded especially sincere."Sister, how did you avoid the correct answer? I worked hard for a long time, and in the end, I just happened to choose the right one…"

Chi Yu's tone could not help but become a little more depressed.

Chi Wei was speechless.

"My luck has always been good."

The little girl tilted her head, clearly not used to this sudden enthusiasm.

Chi Yu gave an 'oh'. He obviously did not think that there was anything wrong with this. After all, luck was also a type of strength.

When Qiao Yuechu pushed the door open with a plate of cut fruit, she saw the scene of the two children loving each other.