Face Slapping (1)

Fu Nuan widened her eyes in disbelief. After a long time, she did not react.

These order records had clearly been deleted. At first, he was afraid that he would be exposed, so he specially checked it several times. After confirming that there was no problem, he turned off his phone with relief.

How could it be in Chi Wei's phone?

"It wasn't me…" Fu Nuan subconsciously wanted to deny it.

The surrounding students also gathered around. Slowly, the way they looked at Fu Nuan became especially complicated.

Because Fu Nuan would often post some links in the class group chat to recommend some good things to everyone, everyone was very clear about Fu Nuan's shopping account name. With Jie Tu in front of them, there was no room for negotiation.

Fu Nuan stood stiffly on the spot.

"But who knows if you photoshopped this picture?" Fu Nuan was silent for a long time before she finally came to her senses. There was a hint of determination in her eyes.