I Have No Experience, Do A Few More Sets of Exam Paper (1)

Then, Song Ningshuang and the old lady.

The reporters were adjusting the equipment they needed to shoot the interview video to ensure that the image would be clear and beautiful during the interview.

In the end, the reporters sat in the middle, Chi Wan and the old lady sat on the right, and Song Ci and Song Ningshuang sat on the left. It was more convenient for the reporters to ask questions.

The first was a unified interview between the two of them.

The reporter looked at the harmonious scene in front of him and couldn't help but think of the beautiful campus.She had never received such an honor in her school life.

For a moment, he felt extremely heartbroken.

"I heard that the two of you are classmates and even deskmates. May I ask if the two of you usually exchange and learn together and help each other, so that you can get the opportunity to enter the research institute together? Professor Chi's research institute is one of the top three in the country."