Do Something Else (1)

Although everyone disliked it, they did not say it out loud.

However, because they had worked together for many years, they had long cultivated a high level of tacit understanding. Even if they did not say anything, everyone could accurately understand the meaning in each other's eyes.

He couldn't let Professor Chi's reputation fall into the hands of this bad sister!

The few of them understood their attitude and looked at the Internet and Weibo again. Then…He was dumbfounded.

Weren't they trying to control the comments for Professor Chi? Why were there a bunch of Chi Wan's fans in the comments section?

Want to be strong!

However, before they made their move, they still opened the Group chats of the research institute very carefully.[Professor Chi, what happened on the Internet is really outrageous! Do you think we should directly announce your identity to shut those mouths? (cute and well-behaved jpg)]