Birthday Party in Rong City

Therefore, Chi Wei's birthday party this year would definitely be a big one.

They would also invite countless big shots in the industry to attend. After all, they were all talents who had won glory for the country and had made great contributions. No matter what, they should be well known.

Now, everyone was fighting over who should be the host of this birthday party.

Firstly, it definitely couldn't be Chi Wei herself.

After all, the little girl had always been obsessed with research and did not have such a long time to waste. Besides, who had ever held a birthday party by themselves?

It was either a family member, an elder, or a friend. In any case, it was definitely not him.

At this moment, Old Master Fu was fighting with another group of old men.

Everyone wanted to seize this opportunity.

Becoming Weiwei's elder.

Fu Shiyan looked sideways but did not say anything. He just waited quietly for an answer, but the man looked a little nervous.