Qiao Yueyue's Shock (1)

But it couldn't be voluntary, right?

What right did Chi Wei have?

"What right does Chi Wei have!" The smile on Chi Wan's face, who was happily watching Chi Wei being scolded on Weibo, also disappeared.

Because of her anger, the girl's originally gentle and beautiful face was a little distorted, but she did not notice it at all. Instead, she gritted her teeth fiercely again.

He didn't understand where Chi Wei's luck came from.

And the most important point was:

Wasn't this young master pursuing Professor Chi?

The people in the research institute would not lie, and there was no need to make up such a lie to tease her. Chi Wan was very sure of this.

It was also because of this that Chi Wan felt even more confused and uneasy. She thought about it but still couldn't figure out what was going on.