Falling Off (2)

But even so, they were still unwilling to believe it.

Especially Chi Wan.

Chi Wan, who had always maintained a sweet and obedient image outside, was no longer in the mood to maintain that docile appearance. Her eyes widened in shock, and her gaze was firmly glued to the stage, unwilling to move away for a moment.

Song Ci was the same.

The usually elegant and calm young man had lost his ability to move at this moment. He stared straight at the stage, at the huge personal introduction on the screen, and then at Chi Wei on stage.

Chi Wei still had that cold and calm look on her face.

Even under the gaze of thousands of people, the girl never showed any fear, as if she was already used to such a big scene.

Such a temperament made people feel awe after seeing it.

Only the old lady rubbed her hair in frustration. Her already white hair couldn't stand such devastation and even lost a few strands.