Professor Chi Registers for Weibo!


There were more and more comments like this.

Lin Xiao held his phone tightly, his fingers trembling slightly. However, he still couldn't help but reveal a smug smile.

Are you afraid?

Of course he was afraid. After all, the other party was Professor Chi.

Fortunately, Chi Jin had too many anti-fans now, and everyone was still angry. They did not think that Chi Jin was really innocent. Professor Chi could not provide any evidence, so it was unbelievable for him to apologize in private.

Looking at the warm comments from his fans, Lin Xiao's mood lightened up a lot. He hurriedly selected a few people to reply, "

[Thank you for your trust, babies.]

[I will continue to accompany SG as long as I can and continue to win the championship.]

[Love you guys.]


#The pool hasn't been washed clean #

#Chi Wei intended to make Lin Xiao the scapegoat #