Missing a Support (1)

Almost the entire Weibo was scrolling through Lin Xiao's expression.

There were also some people who thought of the online violence they had suffered against Chi Jin and apologized one after another.

Then, he recalled that it wasn't just Chi Jin. They seemed to have caused a lot of trouble for Professor Chi as well.

A wave of guilt surged over him.

The netizens put down what they were doing and went to Chi Wei's Weibo again. They apologized in unison and tacit understanding, "[Professor Chi, I'm really sorry. Our online violence against you in the past must have hurt you, right? I don't ask for your forgiveness, but I still have to apologize. I hope you won't remember those years again.]

Everyone's tone was especially sincere.

Chi Wei, who had just logged onto Weibo, was a little dumbfounded.