This Is A Student I've Led (1)

Zhou Yan was indeed embarrassed.

She really did not expect such a handsome man to suddenly appear. After a slight pause, she finally found her voice and coughed lightly to ease the awkwardness in her heart.

"And this is?"

However, Fu Shiyan still did not pay attention to this ungrateful person. His eyes did not linger on her for even a moment before he sat down beside Chi Wei naturally.

The scene of the two of them together was especially harmonious.

It was as if the two of them had been husband and wife for many years.

Zhou Yan paused again.

For a moment, he was speechless. After a long silence, he found a breakthrough point again. His eyes were filled with anger."So, Professor, you already have a boyfriend, so you still want to go on a blind date with me? It's not very kind of you to act like this. Even if you have achievements, you can't act like this."

Such behavior was indeed reprehensible.