Cover And Distraction


With Qiu Xingyu in one arm and holding Qiu Xingyuan's hand in the other, Qiu Tong hid in the corner of the villa, hiding from the guards who were quietly searching.

After observing the terrain, she realized that the only way to leave was through the living room where the lieutenant was!

Qiu Tong rolled to the other side, trying to investigate if there were any other routes, but unexpectedly met Jin Yang's gaze.

He frowned slightly, his eyes flickering with surprise as if he was wondering why she was here.


Qiu Tong pressed her index finger against her lips and shook her head, indicating for him to keep quiet.

The lieutenant sensed his gaze and turned his body—

Qiu Tong quickly crouched down!

"Your pets seem to be very restless. Why don't we go take a look?"

Jin Yang only hesitated a moment before he spoke. Taking the lead, he strode up to the second floor, diverting the lieutenant's attention.