Locust Plague Rumors

The old farmer pleaded in a trembling voice.

Qiu Tong saw that he was wearing a cloth shirt with several patches on it. The straw sandals on his feet had also been patched many times. Feeling a twinge in her heart, she took the initiative to interrupt the shop assistant's arrogant and hateful words. She placed a hand on the old man's cart.

"Uncle, your grain looks good. Why don't you sell it to me?"

"I'll pay double their price. What do you think?"

The old man looked at Qiu Tong hesitantly, afraid that she was a liar.

The boss of the food stall, Shu Yuanwei, was hiding in the dark and watching. When he realized that Qiu Tong had come out to ruin his plans, he coughed and walked out of the shop. He threatened the old farmer fiercely. "Don't believe her. There have been swindlers on the market recently…"

"Swindlers? I think you're the ones who are cheating the farmers, right?"