
The night was dark. Qiu Tong instructed Ke Le and the mercenaries to carry the grains.

Song Yan saw her carrying a few bags of grains on her own. She was wiping the sweat off her face with her hand. His heart skipped a beat as he walked to her side to help.

Qiu Tong looked at him in surprise, then nodded slightly to express her gratitude.

Qiu Xingyuan pursed his thin lips, his small face filled with coldness as he stared at their backs, which looked exceptionally intimate together. He frowned as he observed.

Qiu Xingqiao pricked up his ears, wanting to eavesdrop on what Song Yan was saying to Qiu Tong. He quietly approached but accidentally stepped on a dead branch on the ground. The noise attracted Qiu Tong's attention. She instinctively turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Stay there obediently and don't move around!"

Qiu Tong instructed. When she saw Song Yan lifting a few bags of grains, she rushed over to help him.