Splitting Up

There was an extremely strong telepathy between Jin Yang and Song Yan. Song Yan sensed his presence almost immediately and looked out the window.

"Things have become interesting!"

A teasing smile appeared on Song Yan's face. From the corner of his eye, he saw Qiu Tong and the leader of the refugees locked in a stalemate. "Be careful!"

Qiu Tong had an extremely powerful healing ability, but she had no chance to use it now.

The refugees did not stop attacking. From time to time, Qiu Tong would glance over at the mercenaries protecting the children. With that distraction, she ended up getting some injuries.

Song Yan looked at the leader of the refugees who was raising his machete high. He could have pushed Qiu Tong away, but when he thought of Jin Yang, he ran straight to Qiu Tong's side and hugged her tightly, using his body to endure the attack on her behalf…

"Are you all right?"