Desolate City

After the unrest in the prison was suppressed, Jin Yang rushed to the neighboring city and handed all matters regarding the prison in S City to Mayor Shen.

Having received this important task, Mayor Shen naturally wanted to make a good impression. He hurriedly accepted the order and said, "Sir, don't worry. I will definitely reorganize the various departments in the prison. Today's incident will never happen again…"

Jin Yang nodded and left with a cold and indifferent gaze. Mayor Shen watched as his figure disappeared from the prison and hurriedly urged his subordinates to tabulate the prison name list.

It would take some time to sort out the information on the hundreds of prisoners. Mayor Shen sat in the warden's office and waited for the news. Soon, a police officer ran in with a list of names. "Mayor, these are the names of the prisoners who escaped."