Winning The Lawsuit

Qiu Tong consulted with her lawyer about the procedures and things to take note of in court.

Jin Yang casually picked up two glass cups and went to the kitchen. He took out a honey pomelo syrup from the fridge and brewed some drinks.

"Take your time to discuss this. I'll go accompany the children."

In a very natural manner, Jin Yang handed the warm drinks to the lawyer. He spoke gently as he looked at Qiu Tong.

Qiu Tong ignored his gesture of goodwill. Her back remained facing him.

Qiu Xingyuan and Qiu Xingqiao hid at the corner of the stairs. They stared in the direction of Jin Yang and Qiu Tong. Two little heads were huddled together, discussing in low voices how to torture Jin Yang!

Since he had deceived Qiu Tong, he had to pay a price!