New Neighbor

The next day, at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The car stopped by the roadside and the Bureau Chief came out personally. He knocked on the tinted glass of the passenger seat with a respectful and flattering expression.

Jin Yang wound down the car window and handed over a leather folder filled with documents.

"Don't worry, I will settle it as soon as possible!"

The Bureau Chief accepted the leather folder. He was very curious and tried to peep at the backseat of the car.

What kind of woman could capture the president's heart?

Jin Yang sensed his intentions. He narrowed his eyes and leaned forward slightly to block the Bureau Chief's view.

His voice was cold as he warned, "This matter must be kept a secret. There must not be any trace of this in your system."

The Bureau Chief nodded hurriedly and turned around.

After about 15 minutes, two red certificates with the official seals landed in Jin Yang and Qiu Tong's hands.