Rejecting The Test

In the evening, Qiu Tong returned to her residence. The lights in the villa were switched on, and the children's laughter could be heard from afar.

She stood quietly in the courtyard, her brows furrowed as she tried to get rid of the complicated and absurd thoughts in her mind.

Ke Le and the mercenaries were out on patrol. They were stunned to see her. They called out. "Boss, you're back!"

Qiu Xingyu gave a big grin and ran into her arms. She hugged her waist and raised her head coquettishly.

Jin Yang, Qiu Xingyuan and Qiu Xingqiao stood at the entrance. Qiu Tong forced a smile and entered with Little Yu in her arms.

The light in the living room was warm, but her emotions were a little gloomy.

Jin Yang narrowed his eyes and frowned. Sensing the abnormality in her eyes, the two of them maintained a tacit understanding not to talk about it first.