Psychological Tactics

In the dark and dim basement, Shao An whipped the prison guard with a soft whip filled with thorns.

The prison guard spat out two mouthfuls of blood. He glared at Shao An and shouted hoarsely, "Come at me again! Is that all you've got? You're just scratching an itch for me!"

Shao An raised his hand to tug at the collar of his shirt. He brushed the blood from his cheek and took out the dagger hidden in his military boots.

The prison guard's chest was full of whip marks. His split flesh looked particularly terrifying.

The enclosed environment was filled with the smell of blood, as the prison guards provoked Shao An.

Just as he was about to attack him again, Qiu Tong appeared at the staircase. She berated Shao An for his actions and reminded him coldly, "Don't let him manipulate your emotions. He deliberately made you angry."