Sudden Attack

"Reporting! We have found the location of the target."

In the office on the top floor of the Liqing Corporation, a member on the other end of the video call reported loudly. Yu Ge slapped his thigh. He picked up the gun from the drawer and hugged Terrence's shoulder as he walked out. "Let's go teach the President a lesson!"

An armored vehicle with a gun barrel drove out of the secret warehouse in the suburbs and sped towards the villa.

Yu Ge sat in the command car, wiping his lips excitedly.

He held the walkie-talkie and communicated with all the members of the Vulture Organization. "Remember, I want Qiu Tong captured alive. Even if you have to break her arms and legs, you have to bring her back to me still breathing!"

The members answered in unison, "Yes!"

Terrence and Bo Lang exchanged glances, questioning Yu Ge's rash, impulsive and unplanned attack.