Realistic Nightmare

Late at night, thick clouds blocked out the moonlight.

Qiu Tong bent over and took out a dagger from her boot and held it in front of her. She looked at her surroundings warily and carefully circled around the security booth to the corner behind the Liqing Corporation. Qiu Tong picked up the curved hook she carried with her and flicked it twice.

The eight-clawed hook accurately hooked onto a drainage pipe. Qiu Tong pulled hard and nimbly climbed up.

Her figure was light and graceful, pressing against the wall like a lizard in the dark night.

Qiu Tong arrived at the air conditioner on the middle floor and took a breather.

She lowered her head and glanced at the ground, which was more than 10 meters high. There was no fear or nervousness in her eyes. Instead, there was a hint of disdain. A cold wind blew over and the rope swayed. It made one's heart skip a beat.