"Her dying wishes"

[November 28th, 2021]

"Aurora, what do you think about getting a surgery?" Dr. Matthias said. "We ran a needle-biopsy the other day, right? I think we should give it a shot."

"How will that help her?" Sean, who had been accompanying her to the hospital asked, as he stood against the wall to his right.

"How will it not? The tumor location makes it a bit risky but if we can get through it, 6 weeks may turn into 1 year." Dr. Matthias encouraged.

Aurora slid her feet against the floor continuously while seated, trying to ignore being a part of their conversation.

"Are you listening?" Sean asked as he saw her spaced out.

"I don't want to get surgery." Aurora said as she sighed continuing to rub her feet against the floor like a ritual.

"You got into an accident yesterday, Aurora... Your symptoms are worsening. Surgery is to help you." Dr. Matthias said trying to convince her.

"I'd rather die than live 1 year in misery..." Aurora murmured.

"How can you say something like that?..." Sean said, as he found himself to be utterly speechless.

"Dr. Matthias.. Why don't you tell him the side effects of the surgery then?" Aurora sternly said before standing up. She grabbed her little bag and made her way towards the door of the doctor's office.

"Aurora, We know you're worried. It's just-"

"I don't need these words, doctor. I really don't."

Aurora opened the door and left, slamming the door shut. Sean apologized to the doctor before leaving to follow her. She swiftly turned back to look at him sternly.

"Don't come with me to the hospital again." Aurora said sharply. "Please..." She added.

Sean had been accompanying her to the hospital ever since he found out. However, after hearing about surgery, she found herself feeling awful by having him to know about the mess. Therefore, she made up her mind, to let no one else accompany her. Whether it is Sean or her father. No one was to accompany her from now on.

She left on her own record, without having Sean to come with her even for the return. Such a terrible Sunday... She was told to get a surgery. She shouted at her friend. Such a terrible Sunday. She reached home and opened her reports the first thing.

The so-called needle-biopsy actually concluded that the tumor was at a risky positioning, not safe for surgery. Yet Dr. Matthias gave her false hope. The hope she had abandoned- or tried to abandon long ago.

She grabbed her phone after the long and tiresome day. It was meant to be a rest day, considering how exams were finally over. How did this Sunday turn so awful? She scrolled through social media when the group chat rang with a series of texts. She opened it wondering if everyone was already planning about some trip, or hang-out.

"Guys, My granny suddenly had a heart attack and we're at the hospital. We need a ventilator but they're out of them. Please help." Lucy had texted.

"Which hospital?" Aurora asked.

"Lawrence Hospital, close to the school."

Aurora quickly dialed Dr. Matthias' number. She wasn't really in the position of asking for favors after today but she had no choice. Fortunately, Dr. Matthias was successful in arranging a ventilator. Upon getting the news, Aurora went back to the hospital after just returning from there. The others had also arrived.

"Granny had been feeling sick for a few days. I told her to visit a doctor but she won't listen." Lucy sounded calm with her explanation, however her puffy, red eyes said something else.

"So what did the doctors say?" Giselle asked.

"Bypass surgery..." Lucy sighed. "She's sturdy, she got this." She added.

Aurora couldn't stand seeing the look on Lucy's face. How she pretended to be alright, when she was clearly not. She realized how she is tormenting everyone by hiding the truth from them. She also imagined their reactions. Was it really wrong of her to hide it? Is it not something she deserved to make a choice of?

For now, she made her way to the hospital cafeteria to get some drinks for everyone alongside Sean and Ethan.

"Sean... I'm sorry about today." Aurora said with a bag of bottles in her hand, walking back to the front of the operation theatre.

Ethan narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"I don't need apologies, Aurora. I need you to understand the benefits of sur-" He paused realizing Ethan was with them. "Anyway... I want you to be happy. That's all." He professionally covered up.

"Are you guys dating?" Ethan asked the only question he could make up.

Ignoring his question, they made their way back with refreshments for everybody. The doctor came out of the operating room shortly after with the news of success. However, Lucy's grandmother was still to be kept in ICU to avoid further complications as she had been in an open heart surgery before as well.

"Ah! Mr. Goggles is alone at home." Lucy said.

"I can go take a look at him." Ethan volunteered.

"Oh, you guys don't have to. I can go and check him..." Stephanie said.

"No, Aunt. You should stay with your mother. We'll check him out." Sean said.

Ethan and Sean received the house-keys from Stephanie and took off for their house.

"What was up with you and Aurora?" Ethan asked as his curiosity peaked.

They were walking down the alley to get to Lucy's house. Sean ignored the question, continuing to walk.

"Just between the bros. I know you like her." Ethan dropped a few sentences of loyalty, and wit.

"If you already know then don't ask." Sean sighed.

"Yeah, but like... Why was she apologizing to you? Don't tell me you got rejected?" Ethan said before bursting out in laughter.

"She might actually reject me if I ever ask her out."

"Why is that? You guys know each other more than anyone else could ever. Perfect for each other."

Sean sighed sharply before stopping.

"I want to tell you something. I promised Aurora not to tell anyone, so know that it'll all be in code language. Alright?"

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"I wanted to ask Aurora out after graduation."

Ethan nodded, as he already knew the plans.



"There's a reason why she might reject me. I can't tell you the reason, but I'm sure she will reject me or anyone really.."

Ethan paused to think, with his furrowed eyebrows aka the thinking mode.

"Is she going somewhere?" Quick-witted Ethan, despite his looks, spoke up.

"... Hate to admit it, but you're right somewhat."


"Like I said, can't tell you the details. But she'll probably... I hope not... But she might leave in 5 weeks."

"5 weeks?!" Ethan found it hard to believe. "How come we don't know about that?" He complained right after.

"Because the reason she has to go is extreme. Too hard to say, even for me."

Ethan turned on his thinking mode again.

"No guessing, please. It's not something I would want you to think about."

"Whatever the reason is, just ask her out. Maybe she'll stay if you ask her out." Ethan said cluelessly.

Sean nodded in acceptance. If anything, at least he could show her that he wants her alive. Maybe then, she might consider getting surgery. They reached the house and fed Mr. Goggles before Sean volunteering to take him on a walk because Adam loved dogs.

Ethan decided to go back to the hospital and returned before the sun had set. He learnt that Lucy's granny had been transferred to a room! Talk about quick recovery, Lucy was right. She does get through her problems quickly. He decided to check up on her last time before going back home. He asked the receptionist for the room number and took off.

Upon reaching to the outside of the room he saw Lucy and Giselle headed to the opposite direction, maybe to the cafeteria. He put his hand on the door knob when he heard Aurora's voice.

"Like you said, this is just one of your near-death experiences for you, then I have a question." He could hear Aurora talk clearly, so he leaned a bit further to the door sticking his ear to listen more clearly.

"Right, right. You deserve to ask." Granny's chuckles could be heard, showing she was well and kicking.

"Did you ever make last moment wishes? Like... When you felt like today was your last day, did you make a wish?"

"Aurora, sweetie, you're not going to die. You don't have to think about things like that." Stephanie said.

"Let her ask, Stephanie. Whether she decides to get the surgery or not is her own decision." Granny said politely, "Aurora, I did make dying wishes. So many times. About my daughter's well-being. And her daughter's well-being. Because these little munchkins are all I have to wish for." Granny spoke slowly but her voice was sophisticated, like someone experienced.

"I know how death looks like. It doesn't look fun." She chuckled warmly. "Aurora, I know it's your decision but... I must encourage you to get the surgery. Our strong Aurora will get through it right? Don't let cancer beat you!"

Ethan hit the palm of hands directly to his ears, wondering if he was listening right. Is this where she was headed to? Afterlife?!

"Granny... I gave it a thought. About wishes. I'd rather know when to make a dying wish than extend my life and die out of nowhere." Aurora said.

"What would you wish for?"

"Secret." Aurora passed a big, warm smile. Though Ethan couldn't witness that.

His eyes started crying before he could process the things he had heard. He quickly ran away, to the men's bathroom. Is this what Sean meant? His hands trembled as he let his tears wash down the sink, holding it and leaning towards it. He must've listened wrong. There's no way Aurora was going to die. No way. He felt his breaths disappear slowly as he sobbed sitting on the bathroom floor.

[November 28th, 2021]

"The blood tests are clear." The doctor said. "I do see some signs of lack of neurological activity, so, a CT scan is recommended because she fell. We need to see if the brain acquired any internal injuries or not."

"Alright doctor. We'll be back with a report." Aurora's mother said before dragging her out for a CT scan.

The CT scan reports were submitted to the doctor and were also stated clear. And, Aurora and her mother returned home while she whined to her mother about not wanting to go to the hospital in the first place.

Her foot was still sprained, making it hard to walk around so she just sat on the living-room couch going through channels on TV. The headlines were quite funny on the news channel.

"BREAKING NEWS!" The news reported announced. "The heir of the Anderson family gives a presentation for the water-mill resources faculty!"

Anderson family? Isn't that Sean's family? Of course it was, that's why the news was funny to her.

"BT News Channel has received the video footage of the scene and has earned the consent of Mr. Ronald Anderson to put it upfront!" The news reporter stated before the video footage showed up on the screen.

"Today we're here to discuss about how the recent drought in countryside areas have caused a great loss to the water-mill resources faculty, causing our electrical services to suffer a decline-" Sean said on screen before pausing.

"Oh, no! He's switching on TV!" Aurora exclaimed before laughing hysterically. She grabbed her phone and let everyone know of the tea.

Sean smiled brightly.

"Pfft!" She burst out laughing. "It's Baby Sean!" She could tell from one glance.

"I would like to present profit." Baby Sean said innocently. "I heard if you say profit, they clap. I like clapping." He added.

"S-Sir?" A director seated nearby, asked.

Sean's father would let him do presentations in his stead so his son would turn out to be a promising heir. Since the presentations were meant to be learning platform for him, the directors and staff would usually help him out if necessary.

"C-Clap!" The director said nervously. "He said he likes clapping."

The entire room clapped. Baby Sean chuckled.

"Mr. Anderson has admitted that his son suffered from DID. However, he has also assured the company's share-holders that all of his alters are being trained for the sake of the company." The reporter appeared again.

"It is actually impressive to see how serious the Anderson family is with their business." The other reporter added.

Even though, Sean had gone through many controversies before, like not being the biological son of Ronald Anderson, this one viral video happened to click in their favor. His father was always sly with his words and would get rid of any controversy putting his company in danger.

They were a major source for the electrical services in the town, so it was easier for him to convince people of their services. They were true to the business. Many shareholders were actually impressed after seeing Baby Sean talk about profits.

At least, Aurora got a good laugh for the day. The group chat was filled with pictures of Sean, clipped from the video and made into memes. Not everything was supposed to be bad. If her ankle was sprained and she was dragged to the hospital for nothing, she also got to see Baby Sean act up on national TV!