Chapter Four: Secrets.

Green lights hung across the low ceiling, the odd hues merging into an eerie yet welcoming chartreuse shade and painting the bookshelves with a queer effect. Each shelf carried various tomes and grimoires, each containing dark spells, excruciating curses and deadly potions or creations used in a moment of ire or envy. The dark wood shelves drew to the top of the ceiling, each arranged in an orderly fashion to make room for the table and chairs amongst them whilst comfortably accommodating their inhabitants.

Many had presumed the restricted section was suggested and created by Salazar Slytherin due to its prohibited contents and greenish colour scheme, yet Cordelia disagreed with such claims. The crevices of her mind claimed that such a place couldn't be created by just Slytherin, for his chaotic yet calm character wasn't reflected into the room. The subtle touch was there, but not enough to be wholly his, no, this room had been created by the raven, the snake only providing assistance.

For a long time, Cordelia would flee to the miniature library, her mind whizzing away as her eleven-year-old self sifted through tomes of dark magic. She hadn't meant to wander quite so far into the dark arts, but being in a library and neglecting books seemed taboo to the Black heir.

Curiosity turned to malevolent research and a platform to explore drew farther into the shadows than she had expected, but the Black-McMillan heir couldn't fathom rearing back, she was fascinated by her new discoveries.

This was why a volume dedicated to various torture curses nestled into her thighs as she curled her toes further into the couch, glancing up towards the figure retreating to the other end of the room. She hadn't expected Riddle to blatantly ignore her presence save for a few questions and small talk when she arrived, thinking he had chosen the secluded area to afflict some sort of agony upon her.

Yet there he stood, nonchalantly reading through a book regarding cursing objects to harm others. His dark hair hung over brown eyes, each socket skimming through one page after the other, a pale hand occasionally reaching up to assist its owner in his ministrations. As always his uniform hung over his lean form, a green tie unceremoniously hung around his neck indicating his agitation at not acquiring his desired information.

"Are you done staring?"

The question caught Lia off-guard, but not enough to elicit a physical reaction.

"Why did you bother dragging me along here if you were doing your own personal research? Or better yet, why are you reading up on things that have no connection to Veratisium?"

"Don't act like you haven't borrowed books on dark magic. Actually, I thought I saw you exsanguinating an Acromantula in the forbidden forest last year."

Cordelia's face paled as she carefully put her mask back into place, staring at Tom quizzically as his eyes finally met hers, a triumphant glint hidden beneath brown pools.

"Well, we wouldn't want to bring up the time you Cruicioed Crabbe and Goyle in the common room during Christmas break, now would we?"

A scowl was sent her way, his back facing her as he sifted through the book in his hand before setting it back on the shelf. "Are you that infatuated with me that you stooped to stalking and obsessive staring?"

"Please. I would rather date a mountain troll than even contemplate being with you romantically. Your manipulative, charismatic ways don't work on me."

Tom Riddle quizzically peered at Cordelia over the brim of his book, brown eyes tracing over each of her movements. He had never met a girl or lady who hadn't fallen head over heels for him, thus her blatant rejection shocked him. What was so special about her that she held no romantic emotions for him whatsoever?

I'd contemplate her being attracted to women if she wasn't dating Avery last year.

"If we stay here too long, Madam Pince will get suspicious. Pack up your books and hurry up Riddle."

Tom broke away from the bookshelf he had abutted himself onto, a sneer overpowering his faraway gaze as he gathered the trio of books in his hands. Cordelia pushed open the dented gate of the restricted section, stepping onto the first step as she awaited Tom's arrival.

Ever the egotistical brat, Riddle took his time, leisurely strolling across the hidden library and examining each book around him. A quick sigh cut through the air as Lia let the door slip lose, the wooden object banging into Riddle's arm.

"Secrets of The Darkest Arts, oh that one's a good read. The author practically begged grandmother to have a peek at the Black Grimoire, her answer obviously remained 'no'."

A fraudulent pleasant tone echoed around the duo as Cordelia engaged in polite conversation, painting the picture of two esteemed pure-bloods researching in the library. A hum and curt sentence echoed after her, Riddle's laconic response evoking a scowl onto the female's face.

Both of them reached across opposite ends of a round, wooden table. Cream hands grasped the plush chairs simultaneously as the two Slytherins sat tandem from each other. Cordelia quickly glanced at the towering bookshelves and wooden tables surrounding her, smiling fondly at Theodore Nott who was seated at the other side of the room. When Riddle cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow, Lia turned back to the task at hand.

The piles of books, ink and parchment were certainly deceitful enough to have anyone think the pair of purebloods (one faking their blood status) were studying up on their new potion, but their contents told another tale. Each slip of paper contained prohibited notes or tips based on the books' contents, yet Lia and Tom's acquaintances were daft enough to presume otherwise.

As the clock struck the twelfth line and echoed across the library, Lia hastily glanced up from her book and groaned in annoyance.

"I need to leave. Detention with Merrythought."

A perfectly carved eyebrow was lifted as Tom peered at her, a question echoing right after. "What did you do?"

"Missed the start of term test." A curt reply was all he received as she packed up her belongings, leaving her notebook on the table as she held onto the book she was reading.

"And what can be more important than a test to determine your skills?"

"There are many things more important than academic achievements Riddle. You for one should know that better than others."

After a prompt explanation of checking out her book, Cordelia rushed towards Madam Pince's desk, completely disregarding Tom's reply. Or lack therefore of. For Riddle's gaze was pierced onto something other than his fleeing companion, it was set onto the brown leather-bound journal at the other end of the table. Or more specifically, the newspaper clipping poking out beneath its cover.

'-child revealed among many other secrets during their court t-' The headline was cut off, its worn state and bland lettering proving its antique date of publishing. It didn't provide him with any information but arose quite a few questions into the undisclosed half-blood's mind. There was no passage underneath the headline, a slip of parchment replacing the mechanical lettering. His fingers attempted slipping underneath the yellowish slip of paper, but the effort proved fruitless, her use of a permanent sticking charm evident.

Finally, his eyes grazed over the parchment itself, realizing the hastily scribbled words were a list of presumedly French ministers, most of them were cut off save for three. A frown splayed over his face as he attempted yanking open the book, slipping his wand into his waiting palm as a second option. With a curt nod, he fired spell after spell onto the book, attempting to open it and release the complex incantations upon it.

Sharp clicks of a woman's heels intensified, alerting him of his companion's approaching form. He quickly hid the queer page back in the book before picking up her precious journal and turning as she approached, a nonchalant smile plastered on his conniving face.

"You should head to detention now."

Cordelia squinted as she yanked her book from his arm, muttering a sarcastic thank you before continuing through the library, Riddle following right after.

Tom Marvolo Riddle wasn't one to entertain himself with pathetic school drama, the rumours and gossip being beneath him. Yet now he found himself sifting through his memories urging himself to come up with an answer to the queer pieces of paper he had glimpsed.

Why did a pureblood affair hold such great importance to her? And could I use it to my advantage? Also, what was important enough to hide with such intricate spells?

Questions upon questions filtered through his mind as Tom contemplated each rumour or piece of gossip he knew about the girl, his mind landing on one solution.

There's only one girl who's always up to date with all the gossip. Only one female who'd be easy enough to woo and acquire such information about Cordelia: Phyllis Parkinson.

Merrythought's form was adorned in an awful pink set of robes as she flitted through third-year students' homework alongside Cordelia. They had been silently working alongside each other for the better part of an hour, occasionally discussing a question Cordelia wasn't sure about. Finally, the silence ceased as Merrythought gazed at her.

"Are you and Tom together? Frankly, that could be the only reason you were kissing in that hallway."

Cordelia considered the answer before going along with a half-truth. "He asked me out that night but I'm not ready for a relationship after Avery, so I declined."

"You declined Tom Riddle?!" The way the first word was punctuated made Merrythought's disbelief evident.

"As I said, I'm not ready for that sort of thing. Either way, may I leave now that I'm done?"

A sharp nod was sent her way as the professor dissolved into a cloud of thought, completely forgetting about the short yet prominent pile of parchment remaining.

There were many things Cordelia expected to see when she entered the common room. She anticipated someone duelling a friend or foe, or a bunch of people talking and pushing aside their homework or even a silent room with only a few people reading or replying to a letter. She received all of this, along with a slight surprise, one that she hadn't quite anticipated.

Phyllis and Riddle sat with each other as they discussed a topic she couldn't quite overhear. The sight was quite a shock, her close friend fraternizing with a boy she had an evident grudge and rivalry against. As much as Lia wanted to presume the conversation was casual chatter, the evasive smirk sent her way from Riddle steered her mind in the other direction.

What is he up to now?

Riddle and Cordelia were known for their arguments and tendencies to dig up dirt on each other, but none of them had taken a direct approach over the past two years. For both of them were vary of contacting each other's friends, aware of a snake's loyalty. This was why Cordelia trusted Phyllis, but doubted Riddle's Legitimacy and aching curiosity.

Her doubts were rightfully placed, in fact, Riddle was engaging in exactly what she expected him to. But unbeknownst to the snakes, Phyllis Parkinson knew a bit of Occlumency herself. It was quite popular for pureblood parents to attempt one-upping each other through their children, which was why when news broke out about Cordelia's Occlumency prowess the Parkinson heir was forced to take up the skill herself.

What was to be seen was how long her inferior walls would hold, and how far would Riddle go to uncover Cordelia's secrets with the looming tournament ahead of them. Unfortunately for him, he was targeting the wrong female friend.

"Why are you so interested in Cordelia all of a sudden? I thought you hated her."

A frown coated Tom's face as he sighed once again. Phyllis had proved to be smarter than he anticipated, dodging every question regarding Cordelia with great ease.

"I'm planning a surprise for her, and I require a little information about her childhood."

A pristine eyebrow was raised as Phyllis shook her head, lifting her form from the black leather couches and retreating from the brunette charmer.

"Look, Tom, I appreciate the effort but if you really wanted to know that you would've gone to Orion. I've always been quite amused by your and Cordelia's fights, but I'm not going to betray my best friend over a boy. Have a nice day."

A sneer replaced his perfectly carved mask as Tom stood up, his gentleman act thrown away. Plump lips parted in order to curse the witch in front of him and follow it by an obliviate, but these actions were ceased as Cordelia made her presence known.

"I appreciate the commitment Philly, now run along while I deal with Riddle."

The pureblood witches exchanged greetings and goodbyes before Cordelia turned towards the male in front of her, a dark wood wand placed in her hand.

"You've grown quite amateurish Riddle, I expected a more professional approach from an aspiring Dark Lord."

A sneer was thrown towards the Black heir, one that painted a triumphant smile on her face. But she was wrong to assume Riddle wouldn't retaliate. After all, Amortentia children don't take too kindly to such acts of deviance.

Cordelia had endured a lot of physical pain over the years, her mother's dark arts lessons ensuring she not only excelled in casting spells but could also bear the weight and pain of enduring them. But she had never been under a Crucio, especially not by someone as powerful as Tom Riddle.

It felt like her body had been set on fire and then frozen before once again burning, her organs clenched and mouth formed a silent 'o', her brain unable to form any sound due to the intense pain. When the spell finally lifted, she had been thrashing on the floor for a full minute, her mind on the brink of insanity.

"Stay out of my way Cordelia, or I shall afflict more than just a mere Crucio on your pathetic form."

Pure ire and hatred echoed through the brunette's form as she pulled herself onto the leather couch behind her, swearing to get her revenge on the egoistical brat.

Patience. He doesn't know nor realizes how much you truly know about him.

"You want to play Riddle? Fine, we shall indeed play."

The retort hung in the empty common room, the portraits themselves realising the immense heights the childish rivalry had climbed to.