Chapter Three


°Nik's POV°

"Find out what happened," I commanded.

"He assaulted his daughter Don, he's in prison right now and his daughter is in the hospital with a brain injury, he hammered his daughter's head last night, right when the police arrived." Darius looked at me and asked, "Prison or Hospital Don?"

"Hospital," I said and we drove to the hospital.



°Nik's POV°

We arrived at the hospital. I got out of the car and inhaled the air. It smelled like medicines.

I went through the large automatic doors and looked around once I'm inside. So many people, too claustrophobic.

"Room 450" Darius walked over to me and we began our journey to Room 450.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened, there was a long hallway ahead. We walked down the hall while skimming the room numbers, Room 430, Room 431, and so on until we reached the door to Room 450. Darius looked at me and nodded, he moved aside and stood at attention.

The room was small, way too small. When I walked in, all I heard was machine beeping and birds chirping outside. Other than that, silence. I looked over at the girl, the supposed daughter of Tyler Key.

The sight in front of me made me cringe in disgust, he fucked her up. Her head was wrapped in a white bandage with a little splotch of blood visible through the thin bandage, her whole body was full of bruises. But what stands out the most were the scars.

A few year olds scars.

I scanned her upper body and her face. She's beautiful. That lips, that nose, those eyelashes, those eyebrows. Her hair was the most beautiful color, it was ash-blonde almost silver.

The heart monitor started beeping loudly and the next thing I knew, the doctor and nurse barged inside the room.

I looked at them and they bowed in fear of what I'd do to them. I nodded once and they started working.

I walked out of the room so they wouldn't faint because they are too terrified to even breathe.

"We done Don?" Darius asked leaning on the wall with one hand in his pocket.

"No," I replied and he nodded. "I'm going for a smoke, call me when they have an update on her, sì?" (yes?)

"Sì, Don."

I took the elevator to the rooftop and lit my cigar once I was outside.

Leaning near the edge, I looked up at the cloudy grey sky and took a puff of my smoke before exhaling all the toxic smoke from my lungs.

I was a normal kid, but that wasn't enough.

I needed love, but my parents were too busy making money to notice me. I needed wealth because even the money they earned is not enough to feed all of us.

I had it easier now. I can just sit down for years do nothing and I'd still have enough money on my table to feed the world without having to worry about anything.

It was my decision to build an empire and push it with my whole strength so it reached the top. It was my decision to kill people and come home bloody all the time.

I never had to worry about anything, not family, not a relationship, not finance, not love, nothing. Not anymore.

I get to live freely now, and that's what I'm going to do.

Just as my cigar was starting to burn out, my phone rang. I stepped on the remaining and took out my phone from my back pocket. Darius's name popped out and I walked to the elevator immediately.

Ignoring the call, I walked down the stairs to the room and was met with Darius himself. He looked shocked and quickly masked it with a stone face.

"She's in a stable condition, Don." He tilted his head to the room behind him.

I opened the door and got in, before the door closes I muttered a "thank you" to Darius.

I went to pick up the plastic chair they had in the room and put it down beside her resting body.

Why is she so peaceful? I thought to myself. It was actually one of the things I miss, peace. I never had any peace after I built my mafia.

There was always a war. But in my once-normal life, it was peaceful and I didn't even realize that that was all I needed.

Her chest slowly rises and falls, just like the waves in the ocean, so calming to me. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

I touched the silver ring around my left middle finger with my right thumb and middle finger, then twisting it around. I looked down at it before thinking hard.

I don't remember who gave me it.

I sighed again and ruffled my hair up. I hate forgetting.

I looked up at the girl in front of me.

Madelaine Key. Madelaine... Key. Key sounded really bad, especially because it was her father's last name, also because I hated her father with a true passion.

Slowly and steadily I went to touch her hair, so silky and soft. I put the back of my palm on her cheek and caressed it slowly.

I slide forward on my seat and joined our hands together, and for a moment, something inside me clicked. She's so familiar. Why? Cazzo, I'm getting old. (Translation: Fuck)

I held her hand for a bit longer, the more I held her the more I started to feel... sad.

It was weird so I got up and walked out of the room. Before closing the door, I glanced at her for the last time and wished for her to recover fast and just be healthy already.

"Andiamo, Darius." (Translation: Let's go)

We arrived at the police station near the hospital, now in the same room as Tyler Fucking Asshole Key.

"Tyler buddy, I heard you stole from me. It's really nice to finally meet you." I made sure to emphasized the 'really' and he shook slightly. I smirked darkly knowing that he's scared of me, well that's good. "Now let's talk."

*One Hour Later*

I texted my men to get the thing he stole, after a while, they texted back saying they got it.

"Now, do you know what you're going to do?" I asked lowly holding the gun to his head while walking around him like a predator. I stopped at one point because that was enough carousel for one day.

"No, please I don't want to die. At least let me see my daughter once more." He pleaded loudly begging on his knees below me, right where he belongs.

"Your daughter huh?" I laughed at the fact that he wanted to see his daughter.

"She's a strong one, that girl. She is fighting for her life right now while you're here begging for yours. Now, tell me weren't you the one who put her there?

Here's what I think, you should just stick with the plan. That was the easiest and the simplest way I had offered anyone.

You have one minute to decide before I decide for you, and let me tell you, every single person that had let me decide for them ended up begging for the first choice. So what's it going to be? Kill yourself or let me have my way?" I spoke lowly.

He looked up from below me and said "I'll take the first choice." With tears flowing down his cheeks.