Chapter Six


°Madelaine's POV°

"You're here now bitch!" Brandon said with an evil smile plastered on his face.

"Brandon!!!" That bastard. Nobody. touches. my. food! I jumped and bit him.

"It's fine, I'm leaving soon."

Brandon has this bright idea on his mind. I gave him a 'don't you dare' look and his smile grew even wider. Well, fuck me.



°Nik's POV°

"This is where you'll sleep." This Brandon boy told me as he went on and on about how he will scare Madelaine when she sleeps and asked me to join him.

"Cool," I said uninterested.

As I looked around I noticed something strange, there are small black dots on every corner of the house.

Why do they need lots of security cameras? And why would they hid it in hideous places like the fridge, bathroom corner, bookshelf?

"Is there any camera here?" I asked the boy, he thought about it for a while then shook his head.

"No, why'd you ask?" Curiosity on his face.

"No reason." I'll talk to Madelaine about this.

"Are you single hot stuff?" What the fuck is his problem?

Madelaine walked in right on time. I strode to her, took her to a room nearby, and locked the door.

"Do you know there are hidden cameras in your house?" I asked as I looked around the room. There are pictures nailed to perfection in the perfect places.

"What? But there's no-" Brandon boy cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"Is everything alright?" The boy asked from outside.

"Yes, give us a minute," Madelaine said as she eyed me. "Where?"

I plugged out the hidden camera behind her, right above the vanity table she owned. "Here." I showed it to her and she gasped. "And some other places. Do you know anyone that would do this?"

"No, not a lot of people know I live in this place. Do you think whoever does this is spying on me?" Fear is evident in her voice.

"Possibly. Listen, I'll plug out every camera I see, and then we'll deal with it, don't panic." I stated and she nodded slowly.

After the last camera has been plugged out we were all in the living room watching TV. "You think he might be the one spying on you?" The boy whispered in her ear.

"I don't know, I hope not. I really don't want to have any contact with him again." Madelaine said in a low voice but loud enough for me to hear, she sounded sad, scared, anxious.

"It's ok, I'll be here with you. I'll stay with you forever and ever." Brandon boy smirked then hugged her and they cuddled up.

"Thank you." She replied.

I stood up from my seat and took out my phone, "I need to make a call." They both nodded and went back to cuddling. Disgusting.

"Dominic, ho bisogno che tu mi trovi qualcosa." I stepped out on the balcony and said while looking down from the apartment. (I need you to find something for me.)

There's a shadow near the bushes across the street. Che cazzo. (What the fuck.)

I went back inside after the call and found them both sleeping.

"Madelaine." I shook her softly until she replied with a groan.

"Hey!" I hit the boy's arm hard enough for him to realize it's time to wake up.

"What happened?" Madelaine's soft voice asked.

"Pack your things and make sure nobody will come back here." I said seriously. She started going to her room and pulled out a duffel bag.

"What?" She stopped and looked over at me.

"Somebody's watching you. For now, you'll stay in my house." She was hesitant at first but agreed when she realized that I was being serious. "Who else lives with you?"

"My mom. But she's not gonna be home until midnight. I'll tell her to stay at her friend's." She responded as she stuffed her clothes in her bag.

"What do you mean somebody's watching?" Here comes the question from the boy.

"Meaning someone is watching her." I deadpanned. Now he knows when to shut the hell up and not to ask unimportant questions.

We reached my car in the parking lot, I opened the door for her and was about to leave when someone knocked on the window repeatedly.

I looked back and realized that I forgot about the boy, reversing the car I unlocked the car door so he could get in. Without waiting any longer, I sped down the street.

"I was hoping you live in a mansion or something." The boy said eyeing the house before us.

"This is the security house, that right there is mine," I said possessively, peeking at Madelaine while saying so.

"Oh my god." They both simultaneously said.

"What do you do for a living?" Again with the question. I hate this boy.

"I turn bad people in." To hell. But he doesn't need to know about that.

"You're a police?" His question made me scoffed.

"You don't wanna know." I parked in the garage and opened my side of the car door then went to her side to do the same thing.

Again, I forgot about the boy. "Could've waited for me." He rushed to my side and scanned his surrounding. "Holy Jesus, this house is enormous." He's an idiot.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Madelaine said with admiration from beside me and a small smile made its way to my lips. She's cute.

After the tour that took almost an hour, we all went back to our own rooms.

I've told my men to keep a low profile for now and they're still searching for the information I asked for. Whoever this fucker is, he'll die sooner or later.

*Knock knock*

"Nik?" Her sweet voice called out to me, I went over to the door and opened it.

"Come in, do you need anything?" I scanned her from head to toe, she looks gorgeous even in her pajamas.

"I- Uhm, can we talk?" She asked nervously, looking around and scratching her arm.

I held her hand to stop her from scratching any harder, "Sit down." She went over to the sofa and sat. "What do you want to talk about?"

"How long am I going to stay here? I don't want to be a burden or anything, also Brandon can go back to his own house." She muttered the last sentence in a small voice.

"It's no problem at all. I was thinking if you want, you and your mom can stay here for now." I replied.

"I can't do that, we can stay at a hotel or somewhere." She said with a guilty look.

"Don't feel bad. It's safer here, I can assure you." I insisted she stay not only for that but also because I have this need to protect her.

"Okay, thank you. I won't disturb you now." She got up and backed off slowly towards the door.

"Come to me if you need anything." I said before she exits.

"Of course I-"

"Hot stuff, where's the food? We want the food, I'm hungry as fuck." The boy Brandon barged in.

"The food is in the kitchen," I said with annoyance. "And didn't you just had a box of donuts?" I can't believe he clean out my one-week food stock in minutes.

"I'm sorry, he gets hungry real quick. It's just how his body works." Madelaine gave him a big glare. Adorable.

"I'm not sorry, I'm hungry." He glared back.

"The kitchen is downstairs." I'm so tired of him if it wasn't for Madelaine I would've shot him long ago.

"I forgot the way." He grabbed his stomach awkwardly.

After showing him the kitchen, I went to bed. My phone rang a couple of times but I ignored it. Jesus what does she want?! I picked up the phone, "What?"

"Hey darling, I miss you. I'll be over in a few, I hope you're ready for a taste of these." She said, seductively. I hate her.

"I don't have time for you." I ended the phone call just when the doorbell rang.

If that was her I'm firing everybody. My room's telephone rang, usually the maids and butlers have access to this number. "Speak."

"Sir, Ms. Katrina is here." The maid said. I can already hear her high-pitched voice from here.

"Show her out." I closed the telephone and went to the bathroom. Puttana. I'm hard as fuck. The way she walked, her hips swaying. Such a goddess.

I grabbed my dick and started stroking, imagining her doing it to me. Moans and groans filled the room. When I know I was close, I stroked even harder and faster. I was about to cum hard when this cagna barged into the bathroom. (bitch)

"I see you're playing hard to get. You told me you don't have time for me, but here you are thinking of me while stroking that thick dick of yours." She laughed evilly and started undressing, touching her own breasts and down to her clit. She pissed me off.

She knew how severe my anger issue is but she always tests me.

"I was about to cum until you show your face!" I spat angrily. Nothing can calm me down, not when I almost had my damn release, it angered me.

"Oh, I can do what you imagine me doing to you. Do you want me to deepthroat?" She winked at me and went to her knees in front of me.

Fuck. I needed this so bad, but I don't want it to be her.

"Get out." I walked out with a towel hanging low on my waist. I dialed the security number and dragged her out of my room.

"Don't fucking come back." I barked at her as she flinched. "Escort her out!" I snapped at the security. He had one fucking job. Keep her out of here. Stupido.

"Yes, Sir." He trembled slightly as he grabbed her.

Can't even have a day to myself.

Before closing the door, I scanned the surrounding. It was something I always do.

That's how I saw her, Madelaine looked at me with wide eyes before going back to her room and slammed the door.

Fucking great.